The USS Wisconsin Radio Club meets at noon the
2nd Saturday of each month at the C&M Cafeteria,
Independence Blvd
, Virginia Beach , VA.
For additional information contact:

Ronald R. Young, W8RJL, President,

[email protected]


Minutes for September 9, 2006 meeting held at C&M Cafeteria


There were 17 members and guests present.

Ron opened the meeting at 12:43 EST

The club web site has needed to be updated and Sal has stepped forward and volunteered to do the job. The URL is Other clubs will be notified about this.  If anyone has ideas for the site, notify Sal.  Ron has received some feedback about the site.  Amateur Radio Club has been changed to Radio Club according to Bus's wishes.  Bus always thought that leaving out "Amateur" might attract some Navy radio operators.  Rich Siff also had some input about the club site.  There was a round of applause for Sal for his efforts.  The financial report was not available as Terry was absent.  Ron mentioned that Joe Lenihan has become a silent key.  Joe had dreamed of getting his Extra class license and was stricken at a class he was attending pursuing this goal.  He never recovered.  NV4NV sent Ron an Email which never arrived so Ron is now trying to contact him to make sure he knows he is welcome in the club.

The Pearl Harbor operation was discussed.  Since the 7th does not fall on a week end, it was decided to set up for operation on December 2nd and 3rd and also on December 7th.   A joint meeting for December was discussed.  We have done this several times in the past.  The hamfest is coming up September 16 and 17.  We decided to have a table and display there. Club tables may be in the hallway but this is not certain.  Our table will be for display only, no sales.  It will also be for recruitment of new members.

Ron displayed a Yaesu 757GX transceiver.  It is from an estate and could be purchased for the club for $200.00.  Ron has checked it out and the only flaw is a noisy headphone jack. He said that it would be a good idea if we had our own radio so no one would have to break down their station to operate on board the ship.  The club members agreed and we voted to buy this rig.

A joint QCWA/VADXCC/Wisconsin Christmas meeting  is planned for December 9th.   Butch asked about how many antennas we wanted up.  Ron answered that for the last operation, we had only the Windom up and did fine. It was brought out that it was already too late to advertise the event in the Ham publications.

The meeting was closed at 1322 EST
