Recent Events Please find the link to the presentation Andy gave at AARC Club meeting in April. Andy_Ham_Radio_Linux_Slides
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On June 4th, 2016 The Destroyer Joseph P Kennedy Jr. (DD-850) was activated once again at Battleship Cove, in Fall River, MA. 
The call sign used was NB1CR which is a derivation of the original call sign for the destroyer NBCR.
Operation began Saturday morning on three bands 40m, 20m and 17m.   There were verticals for 40m & 20m and a dipole for 17m.  Rigs used were
the club's K3, K1DIN's TS-480 and K1IX's IC-706.   The propagation did not favor the museum ship event this weekend, as a result fewer contacts were
made.  During the day 20m seemed to be the band to be on and that is wehere most of the contacts were handed out.  More photos possibly after the event.
  2014 Ham Radio Flea Market
Let it be known throughout the Ham radio community that this day, February 15, 2014, Jim Fitton � W1FMR, won the �grand prize� of $200.00
while attending the annual Marlborough ham radio flea market.  Jim, who is one of the founding fathers of NEQRP when it was called QRPNE
(and holds membership #1) was heartily congratulated by all NEQRP members in attendance and, of course, many others.  Jim has been a strong
supporter of the QRP minimalist philosophy for many years and his QRP activities and accomplishments have made him a legend in his own time.  
Congratulations Jim!
L to R - K1IX, AARC Treasurer, KA1OS, AARC President, W1FMR)
Annual Armed Forces Day  Crossband Military - Amateur Radio Communications Test![]() I took part in the Armed Forces Day Crossband Communication Test read more last month, first for me.  I jumped around scanning the band for Armed Forces stations, checking off the schedule as I went.  At first didn't hear any stations CW or SSB.  Changed strategy and begin to look for stations on frequencies that favored by propagation.   I heard a few stations on SSB but they didn't hear me, or didn't realize that a CW station was calling them.   The bands were noisy and made things more difficult.   Soon I was making contacts not only cross-band but cross-mode, since I didn't have a microphone for that radio.   The AF radio operators were very professional and very efficient in handling the traffic.  It was a great experience for me. Stations worked:Call   Freq.   RST   OP   QTH AAC   20m   59/599   Harv  Lexington, KY NWKJ   20m   59/599   Carl   USS Yorktown Gilbert, SC NWVC   20m   59/599  Rick   USS LST325 Evensville, IN WAR   40m   59/599   -   Pentagon Arlington, VA Report by NB1N
Received QSL confirmation from several statins, showing one here from the Pentagon.
Museum Ships Weekend* On June 1st, 2013 six club members, k1din, wb6vva, kb1ouv, k1plh, n1ur and k1ix traveled to Battleship Cove, Fall River,MA. to activate the
Destroyer Joseph P Kennedy Jr. (DD-850) for the 2013 Museum Ships weekend.  We were active on three bands 40M, 20M and 15M. 
The propagation conditions were just terrible due to the recent Solar flare.  Between Saturday and Sunday we did however managed to garner
346 contacts while working 11 other Museum ships that were active in the event.  This compared favorable to the 350 we worked
last year in better conditions.  Much of that can be attributed to installing the antennas the day before the event to allow
us to begin operating earlier Saturday morning.  A good time was had by all and we look forward to doing it again next year.  Report by K1IX.
* We operated NB1CR special event station for 2013 Museum Ships Weekend.  The original callsign for JP Kennedy, Jr (DD850), a Gearing Class Destoyer, was NBCR.  The team operated both Saturday and Sunday, 1-2 June.   We made 346 successful contacts.   We had 3 operating positions, 1 on each band: 40, 20 & 15M, we used 2 verticals on (40M & 20M) and 1 dipole on (15M). Propagation and Band Noise was the worst experienced thus far by the AARC Museum Ships Weekend Team.  Report by WB6VVA. Rigs included:
QSL card designed by K1IX. |
Last updated April 12, 2024