Credit where credit is due!

This web page was designed and put together by Mark A. Downing (WM7D) and Tom Haney (NØTH) in the hope of providing something useful for the Amateur Radio community. Unfortunately, there are people out there who will make every effort they can to take work that others have done, and manipulate it to appear as their own. Copying hyperlinks is one thing, but copying another web page, and making MINOR alterations to make it appear as another's work is uncalled for.

There are people that have copied much of my web page verbatim (typos, descriptions, etc), and tried to make others believe that they put it together. I personally don't care if my web page is copied, or my database is linked to, as long as credit is given where credit is due! Plagiarism is not accepted in any other form of media, so why should we accept it on the web?


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©Copyright 1998 - Tom Haney (NØTH)           

I would like to thank Mark Downing (WM7D) for the use of his pages and links.   Without his hard work, this page would not be possible.  Tom Haney...

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