Qualcomm OmniTRACS Experiments


Experiments with the Qualcomm OmniTRACS Ku-band satellite fleet tracking system.

The OmniTRACS Network (developed for Omninet Corporation, Los Angeles, CA) provides mobile users with a cost-effective, two-way message and position location service using existing Ku-Band satellites.  An optional position-determination device integrated into the mobile terminal allows the position to be transmitted automatically to the hub.  A variety of preformated and free-form text messages of up to 2000 characters are supported.  An optional printer will permit transcription of messages to hardcopy.

The mobile uplink frequency is in the 14.0-14.5 GHz range.  The RF power output was around 1 watt (+30 dBm) into a steerable "pill box" antenna with around 19 dBi of gain.  The antenna has a 40° 3 dB bandwidth in elevation and 6° 3 dB bandwidth in azimuth.  The system uses two transponders on the GTE Spacenet GSTAR-1 geosynchronous satellite.

The mobile downlink frequency is in the 11.7-12.2 GHz range.

The uplink transmission is spread spectrum BPSK over a 48 MHz bandwidth.

OmniTRACS Model No. 10-2221-1 is the unit with the three RF power amplifier transistors used in the San Diego Microwave Group modifications.

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