L'Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club Nets

   The L'Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club offers five nets at the following times:

Monday 8:00 PM EST/EDT 21.165 MHz. (15 meter CW net)
Monday 8:30 PM EST/EDT 21.395 MHz. (15 meter USB net)
Monday 9:00 PM EST/EDT 50.160 MHz. (6 meter USB net)
Tuesday 8:00 PM EST/EDT 144.930 MHz. Offline, See below for internet access (2M Packet net  - WU8C-1)
Thursday 7:30 PM EST/EDT 28.435 MHz. (10 meter USB net)
Thursday 8:30 PM EST/EDT 147.080+ MHz. (2 meter net)

   The L'Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club has it's regular general membership meetings on the first Wednesday of each month, except July and August.  These meeting are held at the Tucker Senior Center located at 26980 Ballard St. in Harrison Township, MI, near Crocker & Jefferson.  The meeting begins at 7:00 PM.

   These nets are open to all amateur's, and we welcome all to participate.   Stations checking in will be counted for the L'Anse Creuse Amateur Radio Club Net Participation Award points.  Stations checking in are requested to give their name in addition to their call signs.  All check-ins are given two points for the CW net, and 1 point for all other nets.

   It is important to note that the Complete Report of Net Points does not contain all of the names/callsigns in the database.  The actual list is suppressed beyond January 1, 2000.  If the name/callsign is suppressed from view as a result of no check-ins beyond January 1, 2000, that name/callsign will appear in the list once the operator checks in again, as well as receive credit and placement for all previous NetPoints received.

Any questions/comments on this report may be directed to Tom, WU8C.

73, Tom


PacketNet Internet Access from Ralph, W8ROI

Last login: Fri Oct 23 17:17:39 on ttys000

Ralph-Irishs-Mac-Pro:~ ralphirish$ telnet ve2har.dyndns.org  <<the startup


Connected to ve2har.dyndns.org.

Escape character is '^]'.

KA9Q NOS - KO4KS-TNOS/Unix v2.30/ELF (ve2har.ampr.org)

Please LOGIN: Using Your Callsign, Use Your Name as Password!

login: w8roi  << normal login situation

Password:     << (name is masked)



              >>>>> ve2har.ampr.org -- ve2har.dyndns.org <<<<<

                    TCP/IP Gateway  in Laval, QC, Canada

                     Serving  Montreal and Surroundings

Welcome w8roi, to the ve2har.ampr.org TCP/IP BBS (KO4KS-TNOS/Unix v2.30/ELF)

This copy of TNOS is unregistered

Last on the BBS: Tue Oct 20 21:16:16 2020

There are currently 3 users on the BBS

You have unread messages, in the following message areas:




   WORLD  WX  


Quote of the Day:

Vulcans never bluff.

   -- Spock, "The Doomsday Machine", stardate 4202.1


Please use ve2har.dyndns.org to telnet from internet to to this BBS.

QC105:VE2HAR-7 Area: 'w8roi' Current msg# 0 of 0.


conf  <<  puts me into Conference mode 

*** TNOS Conference @ Montreal  Type /HELP for help.

*** There are 18 users online

*** There are 11 groups available

*** w8roi signed on at  17:52.

*** Now on Channel 11 (5 users).

*** Net 'Caterham Radio Group, all welcome'

 Welcome, w8roi!

/c 80  <<  to change channel to LC net location

*** Now on Channel 80 (1 user).

/w  <<  To see who is on the Converse Bridge

Channel  Users

     11        Caterham Radio Group, all welcome

         vk2na sv1dzi g0syr 2e1gw-irc

     80  w8roi

    134        ---===> Italian 44.134/16  Convers Channel <===---


    154        ---===> Hellenic Convers Channel <===---


    174        ---===> Canal Brasileiro - Bem vindos <===---


    177        *** Welcome to Tech.Museum in Brno, Czech Rep. ***


    182        ---===> Romanian Convers Channel <===---

         yo2loj-x yo2loj

    275  do3box_ dl9sau dl1bff_ dg8ngn

   1650        ....:: Gdynia  :: Poland ::  Gdynia ::....


  10177        *** Czech Rep. - OK2KOJ Radioclub Channel  ***


  32767        ---===> Sysop/URONode Convers Channel <===---




 BBS w8roi            (Convers mode)

 BBS va2om            (Attempting Forward) <<  know nothing about him  Just a casual user of system

 BBS va2om            (Attempting Forward) <<  don't know why he shows twice



-   -   -   -


Some of the indicated stations above are there 24/7.  There is a command to invoke to do this and

I don't know what it is.  Otherwise, about 8 minutes of your 'silence' will put you out of the




If you wish, I will send you an entire net from next Tuesday.  Hopefully both Chris and Vince will



-   -   -   -


There is another similar system in Caterham, England.  I have established a password there, not my

name, and  SOMETIMES  this system is 'linked' to the VE2HAR system so that I can be on either one

and participate.  This is not common though.  What makes it look strange is that if I do a  /w

on Caterham, I sometimes see Vince's call and sometimes Chris' call.  But, if I type on Ch 80 at

Caterham, it goes nowhere!  Very strange.


If you have any interest in getting into Caterham, let me know and I will send you the e-mail of

the fellow who OKAYs passwords.  Your favorite might already be in use, and they allow only one

'unique' password for everyone.  I suspect that one's own name is either discouraged or not allowed.


The Caterham system looks a little different but is basically the same once you are logged in and

on Ch. 80, if they are linked.


If you have any questions we might do better on the phone, maybe with both of us in the Quebec




Updated 10/23/2020