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Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me
lyrics and melody © 2007 by Dr. H. Paul Shuch

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The stars in the sky when you look up at night
Appear at first glance to be pinpoints of light.
But study them closely. They're not all alike.
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

The hot stars are blue and the cool ones are red.
Yes, color tells temperature; that's what I said.
Some stars are still living, and some are long dead.
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

The hottest blue stars we consider Type O.
The cool ones are M Class. Confusing, I know.
The system was standardized quite long ago.
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

Look up in the daytime, and what do you see?
Our warm yellow Sun, which we know is Class G.
A star like the others, but special to me...
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

As Hurtzprung and Russell said time after time,
The main sequence stars queue up in a straight line.
Their blackbody curves tell you every star's kind.
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

The stars clump together, not by twos or threes,
But hundreds of billions, to form galaxies,
And there are a good hundred billion of these.
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

Today's population of stars we call I.
A nearby example would be our own Sun.
They're quite rich in metals, and tend to be young.
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

The first population of stars we call II.
Just fusion reactors, and what did they do?
Produce heavy elements, planets, and you.
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

In five billion years, our Sun's life will draw short;
We can't say exactly its ultimate course.
Expand to red giant, or shrink to white dwarf?
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

I've studied the stars of each possible kind.
I'm happy to watch them for quite a long time.
And don't you just love how they twinkle and shine?
Oh, be a fine girl, kiss me.

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Copyright © H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.; Maintained by Microcomm
this page last updated 14 June 2007
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