Fall 2017 meeting of the Marquette Repeater Association 10-12-17

Fall 2017 meeting of the Marquette Repeater Association 10-12-17
The meeting was called to order at 7:11PM by President Andy-KB8PPE

In attendance: Andy-KB8PPE, MikeH-KE8IL, Al-W8FYZ, Judy-N8ITK, Gary-NJ8H,
Mike-KC8QWO, Mark-KF8RV, Robert-N8SKI, Mike B-KD8JIR, Paul-KB0P and Lucille-KD8PTE.

Secretary's Report

The Minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Al-W8FYZ.
(MikeB, Mike, Approved).

Treasurer's Report
(Al, Gary, Approved)

Old Business

97 Tower site Lease Status: Mike-KE8IL explained in detail the attempted renewal
of our Lease with the new Tower Owner ATC, their changes and the subsequent
decision to leave the site and move to the WHWL Tower. Because of the closing
date of the Lease, this matter had to be handled immediately and a Committee
was formed of Andy-KB8PPE, Mike-KE8IL, Coral-KC8DTE and Al-W8FYZ. After
reviewing the proposed new Lease, it's contingencies and our likely inability
to meet the terms of the lease, the decision was made to re-located to the WHWL
Tower nearby. This opportunity was brought to us by Andy-KB8PPE, present manager
of WHWL.

Al-W8FYZ back-filled Mike's explanation of the series of events leading up
to the committee's decision and discussed some of the unacceptable terms of
the Lease.

Al-W8FYZ explained we will be able to locate near the top of the WHWL Tower
which will actually be higher than our present location. Mike-KE8IL made
note that this will be over a 400-foot climb and suggested Al needs help
climbing. Al-W8FYZ agreed and had asked Elcom Services of Marquette, which
has previously done work on the WHWL tower, if they could assist the MRA at
a reduced rate for a non-profit organization. A motion was made to authorize
up to $600.00 for Tower climbing services* from Elcom. (motion: Robert-N8SKI,
Mike-KC8QWO Seconded, Approved)

*Al-W8FYZ also noted there will be some miscellaneous costs for connectors.

New Business

Al-W8FYZ suggested we reduce our Liability Insurance back to the original
$1Million coverage we had previously as this is acceptable to new Landlord at WHWL.
A motion was formally made to reduce our Liability Insurance coverage at the new
location from $2 Million Umbrella to $1 Million at the WHWL site. (Al-W8FYZ,
Second by Lucille-KD8PTE, motion passed)

Al-W8FYZ asked the membership if they would be willing to sell the second DB224E
antenna to him for Trenary Repeater use as only one would be needed at the new
site. Al said he was offering $200.00 for the used antenna. Robert-N8SKI so moved
and Lucille-KD8PTE Seconded, the motion passed with one Abstention (Al-W8YFZ).

A discussion was held about the need to raise additional funds to pay for the
monthly rent we will be paying at the new Site and upkeep of the MRA. It was
further noted that the Club dues had not been changed in many, many years. A
motion was made to increase individual member dues to $20.00 per year and $25.00
for Family membership with the Exclusion of members who have pre-paid to future
years already. The motion was made by Robert-N8SKI and Seconded by Mike-KC8QWO,
Motion passed.

Al-W8FYZ volunteered to write up a simple Lease with Gospel Opportunities Network
for the rent of space on the WHWL Tower.


Motion to Adjourn was made by Mike-KE8IL, Second by Gary-NJ8H, Approved, meeting
was adjourned at 8:35PM.
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