Tom Read - click to email meBDXC ISWL WAB SOTA RSGB IOTA - see my radio page for more detailsLiam & Jimmy



Many awards and certificates are available to radio DXers.  These can be for achievements on the broadcast or amateur bands, with some requiring production of QSL verification cards as proof, others using the "honour system".  The main awards programmes I chase are the International Short Wave League (ISWL) awards, Worked All Britain (WAB), Islands On The Air (IOTA), Islands of Scotland Awards (IOSA) and Summits On The Air (SOTA).  I also look out for other individual awards, such as those mentioned in the HF column of RadCom some months.  I still haven't accumulated sufficient points yet for any certificates from IOTA, IOSA or SOTA, but chasing and activating continues!  Please visit my Radio page for links to the websites of the awards programmes mentioned  here.

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