Location: Briarcliffe College, Bethpage, N.Y.


The LIDXA President, Marty, NN2C, called the meeting of October 18 to order at 8:20 PM.  Marty welcomed all members and guests.  Members present included N2TU, KE2LJ, W2GW (and XYL), NN2C, N2KA, KD1F, KB2HK, W2VZQ, W2FGD, and guest Tom, AG2A.





                Since the Secretary, Ed, K2MFY, could not make this meeting, John, W2GW, offered to record the minutes of tonight’s meeting and send them over to Ed for editing.


Starting the business portion of tonight’s meeting was the approval of the September 20 meeting minutes.  These minutes were prepared in advance by the club’s secretary, Ed, K2MFY, and sent out to the membership with the club’s October meeting notice.  In addition, thanks to the efforts of KE2LJ, Pat, these minutes also appear in the LIDXA web site: http://www.qsl.net/lidxa.


Club treasurer, John, W2GW gave a Treasurer’s report.  It was anticipated that some of the members who have still not paid their 2002 dues, would be shortly forwarding their checks to John.


Marty commented that he had not heard anything new on the status of Millennium Tower Corporation’s application for a tower construction permit with the Town of Babylon.  In the meantime, the LIDXA has use of the Grumman repeater, on 146.745 MHz.





At last month’s meeting, Marv reported that the local packet activities of N2TX has been eliminated.  Thanks to the efforts of Tom, KA2D, the packet cluster is now up on 145.670 MHz, using the call sign of the Great South Bay Radio Club, W2GSB.  Marv also reported that there was malicious interference to the packet cluster earlier in the month, but this has now subsided.

The Telnet/Internet connection of N2TX was also taken over by W2GSB, with the IP address of <>.


It was mentioned that the next 2003 Ham Radio University (HRU) planning meeting is set for November 11 in the Emergency Operations Center, Babylon Town Hall, North Lindenhurst, NY.  HRU 2003 is now scheduled for Sunday, January 19, 2003, at East Woods School, Oyster Bay, Long Island, New York.


Marty reported to the membership on his recent trip to England as part of the annual IOTA/RSGB Convention.  Since the previous meeting site, the Beaumont Center in Windsor, England, was sold to Japanese investors, this year’s meeting was held at the Seville Gardens Court.  This center was formally an old estate that has been converted to a convention area.  A number of the attendees this year, and active IOTA hunters, were Russian amateurs.

Marty spoke of meeting old friends and international DXers, including Jan, JA1BK, who presented a slide show on the Ducie Island DXpedition.  In addition, Wayne Mills, K7NG, discussed a software system that hopefully would be able to work with the ARRL’s Logbook of the World concept.  Once a new system is validated by the ARRL, it was expected that many software vendors would implement this approach in their logging programs.  A decision by the League is expected early next year.


Lou, N2TU, mentioned that he is looking for property in a development down in North Carolina.  In this development, he investigated the Homeowner’s Association rules, and found a restriction on auxiliary structures.  Checking with the Association, he found that the President of the Association was a ham, who had a tower in place.  This ham assisted Lou in an appeal to the Architecture Committee, which reviewed his request, and subsequently issued a waiver for Lou’s property.

Lenny, KB2HK, indicated that in Brentwood, LI, he found a very negative reaction from the Homeowner’s Association regarding amateur antennas.


The business portion of the meeting then concluded at 9:00 PM.  Thanks to the efforts of KD1F, Emil, a video was shown on the A52A 2000 DXpedition to Bhutan.


This meeting concluded at around 10:06 PM after all the scheduled business and entertainment had finished.





Ed Whitman, K2MFY

LIDXA Secretary

(per notes taken by W2GW)