Full Screen Radar Help
If you are experiencing problems with the Full Screen Radar feature

1. The images and pages at this web site were designed to be best viewed with a monitor resolution of 800x600 or higher. Also, in order for the Full Screen Radar feature to function properly, it is recommended that you be using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.

Click here to download the latest version of Internet Explorer

2 You should allow META statements, such as automatic refreshing.

3. If these features are turned off in your browser's settings, they will need to be turned on. The page automatically updates every 45 seconds, and the radar image updates every 3 minutes. Due to network congestion, image updates may be delayed.

4. You should also allow popup screens on your computer. In order to function properly, you should deactivate any popup-blocking software that may be installed.

5. To exit the Full Screen Radar mode, click the "Click here to close this window" link located in the upper left corner of the screen.

Click here to return to the main page