AZ-EL Mount Final Welding:

This is the 36 X 36 X 1/2 inch steel plate hanging by only 2 bolts prior to the drilling and cutting of the rest of the holes.


This is the top side of the AZ-EL mount showing the two steel plates which form the top of the "sandwich."  


Another view of the bearing prior to mounting:


The bearing is loaded up ready to go the antenna site. I slid it up a plank with a hand winch.


On site, tented - anticipating rain:


The holes are all drilled, I'm hoisting the bearing into position to see how it fits.



This is how to do a two man job with one man. I'm lifting the 263 pound bearing with the left hand and inserting a bolt on the opposite side with the other.


This is Kenny on the tower doing the final welding.


Del is welding the 3/4" pipes and the 1/2" steel plates tgether.


I am about to try welding a corner of the plate, while Kenny chuckles in the background.


This shows how the 3/4" pipe sleeves hold the sandwich together. Every other bolt is in a sleeve. The plates are welded to the frame wherever convenient.


This is the final product, welded bolted and torqued down, and painted.


The END.