This is the 4NEC2 antenna bend model for: Standard OCF Wide L-Dipoles
To use this model:
Below. Highlight and copy (Ctrl C) the program control codes (CM,
CE, SY,etc).
Open Windows Wordpad and copy (Ctrl V) the control codes into Wordpad.
Go to "File, Save as..." and name your new antenna model.
In Windows Explorer, right-click on your new model and "Rename" the file to end as ".nec".
Open your new model to optimize variable arm length (L=) for
various angles of bend (Symbols, "ang2=").
4NEC2 is an NEC2, NEC4, Windows based antenna modeler and optimizer by
Arie Voors.
It is available free of charge at:
CM Standardized OCF Wide L-Dipole
model for comparison studies
CM #14 AWG. Over Real ground, 28.4 mHz. 1/2 WL
CM OFC ratio is adjustable based on Length
CM OFC Feed. Must use Auto-Segment
CM Each arm angle is adjustable 360 degrees
CM Dick Reid,KK4OBI, 2016
CM .
SY hgh=5.282 '150/28.4 = 5.2817 = 1/2 wavelength feed
height over ground at 28.4 mHz
SY L=5.240165 'Length of resonant straight wire -
SY R=0.4 'Enter feedpoint ratio (0.5 = center,
0.6=Tall, 0.4=Wide
SY arm1=L*R 'Ratio length of arm1 - meters USE
SY arm2=L*(1-R) 'Ratio length of arm2 - meters
SY ang1=0 'Arm1 angle 0=up 45=right 90=right
SY ang2=90 'Arm2 angle 0=up 45=right 90=right
GW 1 25
arm1*sin(ang1) 0
arm1*cos(ang1)+hgh 0
0 hgh #14 'Arm1
GW 2 25
0 0 hgh
arm2*sin(ang2) 0
arm2*cos(ang2)+hgh #14 'Arm2
GE -1
GN 2 0
0 0 14 6.e-3
EX 0 1
25 0 1
0 0
EX 0 2
1 0 1
0 0
FR 0 0
0 0 28.4 0
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