Main Operating position

Far left is the BC-610E. On the table - top, left to right is the BC-614 Speech Amp with the audio EQ sitting on top of it.

Nect is the 75A-4 receiver and a Hallicrafters Speaker on top of it. To the right top is the Johnson KW Match box with a 100 watt audio amp on top and a frequency counter on top of that.

Main desk top - left to right is the Johnson Valiant, I use this for medium power AM and for CW. In the center is another very hot receiver - a Drake R-4A. On top of that is the Globe Electronics VFO deluxe and a Nye Keyer. On the right is one fine SSB rig, the Hallicrafters HT-37  I have a HT-32B on the floor under the table waiting its turn on the bench as the transformer is toasted in it.

NPTE: on the far right - table top, a 1937 Vibroplex bug.