Packet Radio


What is packet radio?

Playing around on packet radio is very similar to playing around on the internet. That is, there is usually a computer terminal (although not always necessary), a modem and somebody else to talk to. The difference is that in packet the information is transmitted via radio signals rather than over telephone lines.


How do I get started?

Getting started in packet radio requires some equipment:

Connect everything together, read over the manual that came with the modem, install the software, find a recognized packet frequency in your area and go for it.
But the cost, you say? Don't worry too much...if you have the radio and the computer, you have the most expensive parts. A modem that will work for packet can be had new for roughly $120, and you can get a real deal on old PK-88's at hamfests. These modems still work, and they do their job very well.

What are some practical uses of packet radio?


A brief history of packet radio

I don't have that yet, so come back some other time and I should have it up.

Packet radio links

Questions? Mail them to [email protected]
Last modified: 4/24/98