At the bequest of some ham friends of mine on the west coast, here is some informational particulars on the author of this massive webpage:
My name is Peter "Pete" Norgard and I turned 19 on December 18. I took my amateur radio operators license test in December of 1995 and passed the Technician class test. On December 16, 1996, I took the Amateur Extra code test and sucessfully passed the only remaining portion of the test left for me, fulfilling the goal that I set for myself. During this period I also Elmered another young ham --AB0ED--to his Amateur Extra class license. Since then, we have remained the youngest hams in the St. Louis Missouri area (that I know of). That was a year ago. Since then I have graduated high school class valedictorian and have gone on to college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. At the present I am an Electrical Engineering major. While in school, I have authored two webpages--this and my school page, Pete's Page of Various Stuff--and I plan on authroing a few more in my time. I don't know what else to say about myself.
My HF station is a Kenwood TS-830s, fed into an MFJ-949E antenna tuner, which feeds a 60 foot random length wire antenna. Nothing fancy, of course. I also have an audio filter--as opposed to an IF filter. I use a Viking straight key with extreme proficiency. CW is my prefered mode, but I do use SSB to get into NTS (National Traffic System) nets. My favorite band is 17 meters, although on a good summer evening, 20 meters is hard to beat--even for we hams with stubs for antennas. I prefer to run at power levels not exceeding 10 watts, and I typically complete QSO's with less than a watt.
My non-HF station consists of a Yaesu FT-2500M 2 meter transceiver fed into a Ringo Ranger II-- the 14 foot antenna. I also have a Kenwood TH-79AD ht for use in ARES functions and in contacts on the 440 MHz repeater at school. Which reminds me, I used to be the ARES net control operator--for about 6 months--for the St. Louis area. I was instrumental in getting the St. Louis ARES program back on track, providing over 15 training programs, once a week--while juggling school and another net control station spot. Anyhow, in the 1996-97 period I gave well over 300 hours to help with various public service functions. Now I am concentrated mostly on school work. I still give a lot of time to community service projects, but nothing like summers previous. I am also a volunteer for the American Red Cross and soon I will be a CPR instructor for the Red Cross, too.
That's me in a nutshell.
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Last Modified: 3/1/98