How I became a ham!

I became a ham on September 19, 2001. I first learned about amateur radio when I met my husband in 1998. I went with him on all of the fire calls and different events that took place here locally. I thought that it would be neat if I could help and do these things also. I also thought that it would be a cool thing if we could do it together. So I looked on the internet for some study material. I found a couple of programs and websites that I used to study from. I studied for about 1 1/2 years off and on.Then after my son was born I decided that it was time to study and pass. So I studied for another month and went to the local VE testing session and took my first test. Boy was I nervous. As I sat there waiting to see if I passed I could tell in the VEs eyes that I didn't pass. Well I was right. I missed it by two questions. The nice VE that graded my test offered to let me take the test again and I eagerly said yes. I took the test again. Only to find out that I failed once again. Missing the same two questions. ( a coincidence or what) So I bought a study book and studied from that for a month and went back and took the test..Was even more nervous because I didn't want to go back to the Amateur Radio Yard Sale that was going on that day only to say I failed..That would be embarrasing..But luckily I passed and went back to the yard sale a very happy lady..I was so excited about passing that I went home and looked on the FCC website for my name. Of course I didn't find it there..So everyday for a month I looked on QRZ. Not finding it each day..One day I put a question out on QRZ asking how long it should take for my callsign to be posted on QRZ and how long it would be before I got my license in the mail..I got a few posts back saying that I should have gotten  it already..So I sent a email to the local VE that tested me and asked him what had happened. Why it was taking so long..He emailed me back a few days later saying that the FCC had tried to give me a General Class liscense before I had even taken the test..(In my mind I thought hey thats fine) but I said instead that won't work..So in a week or so after that I recieved my license and my call was finally posted on QRZ..Yippee I am offically a ham.
    It wasn't even a week after I got my license and I was doing my first even by myself..It was so much fun that I couldn't wait until I could do it again..Now I am on Paket and usually monitor 146.640 offset - PL- 88.5 or 146.925 offset - Pl- 85.4. If you want to catch me on Paket I am usually on 146.050. Well now you know how I became a ham...73's....................KG6HYM


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