U.S. Government Frequencies Agency Frequency Nationwide Group 1 406.3500 407.1500 407.9500 408.7500 409.5500 Group 2 406.7500 407.5500 408.3500 409.1500 409.9500 Group 3 406.5500 407.3500 408.1500 408.9500 409.7500 Group 4 406.9500 407.7500 408.5500 409.3500 410.1500 Air Force Fire/crash crews 173.5875 OSI 138.0750 138.1750 ACC Alerting 413.4500 Security 163.5125 "Thunderbirds" Air (am) 141.8500 322.9500 Ground support 413.0000 413.0250 Army Aircraft operations 41.5000 412.9000 413.4250 413.5250 Civil Emergencies 34.9000 Corps of Engineers 163.4125 163.4375 Distress net 40.5000 Escort Net 36.7100 36.8900 Explosives Disposal (EOD) F-1 49.7000 49.8000 Civil Air Patrol 143.7500 143.9000 143.9500 148.1250 148.1375 148.1500 Coast Guard Auxillary 143.2800 143.8750 148.3050 148.8250 Intelligence 165.3375 Law enforcement 165.3125 164.3000 165.2625 Tactical F-1 162.1250 F-2 162.3250 F-3 163.1250 Calling/distress F-16 156.8000 Cutters & helicopters F-21 157.0500 Civilain liason F-22 157.1000 F-23 157.1500 Environment F-81 157.0750 F-82 157.1250 Department of Defense Special events F-1 148.9250 F-2 139.2750 F-3 141.0000 F-4 142.3750 F-5 148.7750 F-6 140.3250 Joint operations cntr 140.2000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 165.6375 Operations F-1 172.9250 F-2 172.9500 F-3 192.9750 F-4 172.8500 F-5 172.8750 F-6 172.9000 F-7 172.8250 F-8 172.1250 F-9 172.1500 F-10 172.1750 Security F-1/4 166.1750 F-2 165.6625 F-3 172.9750 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) AL, MS, TN 139.4500 142.4000 AR, LA, OK, TX 139.9500 143.6250 National common 163.1000 Nationwide Primary 138.2250 141.7250 National system F-1 165.6625 F-2 164.8625 National Emergency Warning System Regional EOC Nets 1/2 167.9750 Net 3 169.8750 Net 4 167.9250 Emergency Net portables 142.9750 143.0000 Nationwide 166.2250 168.3500 169.6000 Search & Rescue 408.5125 409.4875 410.4875 410.5125 413.2125 416.0375 416.8125 416.9375 417.5875 417.6625 Task Force Tac 1 418.5750 Tac 2 418.0750 US Command 418.0500 408.4000 Federal Executive Board emergency net 170.2000 Federal Highway Administration 171.3625 Fish & Wildlife Service 34.8100 34.8300 Enforcement 408.6750 410.6250 408.7500 GSA Federal Protection Service 417.2000 415.2000 Interstate Commerce Commission 409.2000 Marine Corps air crash crews 40.8200 Military Affiliated Radio System (MARS) Air Force 143.4500 Army 143.9900 Navy 148.3750 National Disater System 49.8100 National Highway Traffic Safety Operations 40.9700 Tactical 40.2600 National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) Air Guard 168.6250 Air-to-ground (AM) VHF-1 122.9250 VHF-2 122.9000 VHF-3 122.9750 Helicopter operations (AM) VHF-4 122.8500 VHF-5 123.0750 VHF-6 123.0500 Air traffic advisor (AM) VHF-7 135.9750 Air tactics-1 166.6750 -2 169.1500 -3 169.2000 -4 170.0000 Flight following 168.6500 Government all-call 163.1000 168.3500 Incident command call up 168.5500 Forestry Command-1 168.7000 -2 168.1000 -3 168.0750 -4 166.6125 -5 167.1000 -6 168.4750 Forestry common user 408.4000 418.0750 Forestry Logistics-1 414.6500 -2 415.4000 -3 415.5000 Forestry Tactical-1 168.0500 -2 168.2000 -3 168.6000 Interior Air-ground F-6 169.7500 Interior/FAA 169.3500 Interior Tac F-1 166.7250 F-2 166.7750 F-3 168.2500 Interior Command F-4 166.6125 F-5 167.1000 F-6 168.4750 Interior common user 418.0500 418.5750 Interior Logistics-4 417.3000 -5 417.3500 -6 417.5000 -7 417.8000 -low band F-1 41.2700 -low band F-2 41.5500 -low band F-3 49.6100 -low band F-4 49.7700 National Interagency Incident Management System NIIMS 168.5500 National Park Service Buses 40.0700 40.2100 Police 166.3250 National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Aircraft crash investigation 165.7625 166.1750 National Weather Service F-1 162.5500 F-2 162.4000 F-3 162.4750 F-4 162.4250 F-5 162.4500 F-6 162.5000 F-7 162.5250 Navy Amphibious bases 149.3550 "Blue Angels" Air-to-Air 251.6000 263.5000 275.3500 Ground support 142.0250 Crash crew 140.1000 Nuclear Regulartory Commission (NRC) 165.6625 167.2750 167.8750 169.1000 411.0250 411.0750 411.1500 416.2500 416.3000 416.4000 417.9750 Prisons Security F-1 170.8750 Emergency F-2 170.9250 Tactical F-3 170.6500 Local Alabama National Guard 30.1000 30.5000 150.5000 Anniston (AL) Army Depot Fire 407.3000 Mobile phone 148.7000 162.4750 Motor Pool 141.4750 Railroad Operations 173.0250 Security 141.0750 Transportation 141.2250 Weapons Range 141.1250