Nothing is more beautiful than the antennas seen here.

One of my first RTTY QSO's.  No wonder Guy heard me!


                    N6ZZ:  I met N6ZZ during the ARRL                            Thanks to antennas like these, DXCC
                    CW Sweepstakes.  Although I would                               from meager apartment antennas is certainly
                    love to have this antenna, I'm sure glad                          possible!  Well, at least if they would QSL
                    it's him and not me so close to the ionosphere!              as quickly as OH0R!  I enjoy stamps from
                    See his beautiful DX Expedition QSL cards.                 the Aland Islands, so I was thrilled to have
                   N6ZZ is one of those rare hams who QSLs                     this country in my log.
                    all his QSO's!  Listen for him!

Wow!  What else is there to say?

Soon to come:  QSL cards from KK9A DX Expeditions.

This is one of my favorite QSL cards for it's artistic quality.

Light on antennas.


                    One of my first QSO's with Finland                                                   Wild antennas!

K5OT:  This is where he dreams of an antenna farm!

One of my stealth antennas.
KZ1X gave me the instructions how to make a 40m double bazooka and he knew exactly where KE4ZBZ and W4ST put it but when he came to drop off some ARES information, he couldn't find the antenna!
I use this antenna for 40m, 15m and 17m (where it resonates best in this environment).

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