net control responsibilities

Although this topic has been talked about time and again I believe it doesn't hurt to revisit the duties and responsibilities of the net control stations. This topic applies to both emergency and nonemergency situations although for the purpose of this training I will focus on those duties during emergency situations.

The duties of a net control station are the same when it comes to emergency nets. Here are just a few of the duties and responsibilities. Note, this is not an exhaustive list by any means as some nets are run quite different from others.

As a net control you should act in a professional manner. Although this is self explanitory, and not a duty, it needs to be said. Since you and other hams will be working with county and/or state officials your professionalism will give these people a good impression of you and ham radio. This professionalism should make the officials want to rely on ham radio the next time an emergency situation happens.

The most basic duty is to find a frequency on which to hold the net. This is self explanitory, and in emergency situations this should not be difficult. Most of the time during emergency situations a frequency would be designated for the net, but this may not always be the case. Obviously, you will need to make sure that your equipment is set up and that you have back up power should commercial power become interrupted.

After finding a frequency, or having one designated to you, follow the procedure of the club or group in charge of the net and take check ins. In emergency situations these will most likely be emergency operation centers or shelters, but the check ins may be from individual hams as well.

As net control you want to make sure that information gets to where it needs to go in an efficient and timely manner. If any information is passed on an emergency net it will most likely be going to emergency personel or relief groups. It must get to it's destination as quickly as possible with no errors as it will be of the utmost importance.

Aside from error free information getting passed you will want to keep order in general on the net. This generally means keeping the frequency clear of unnecessary traffic or conversations. This will also include making sure that all communications go through you before goingdirect from one station to another.

At some point you will want to get a drink or just take a break (for obvious reasons). It is a good idea to have a back up net control who can pick up where you left off. Just make sure that this person follows the same procedures which have been outlined above.

As stated above this is nowhere near an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities of a net control, but this should give everyone an idea of how important the job is. Anyone can be a net control, and the best way to get experience is to start with a local net so that you can be prepared in the event of an actual emergency.