YAESU FT-50R Expanded Transmit 120-230, 315-505 MHz [FREEBAND MODIFICATION] 1. Remove battery 2. Remove the Ni-Cd sticker 3. Slowly lift off the keypad and carefully locate the jumper pads 4. Locate and unsolder jumper number "1" (see picture below) it is a solder blob between 2 pads. 5. Locate and unsolder surface mount resistor "A" (see picture below) be carefull! It is the first resistor on the from left 6. Reinstall the keypad with the two screws 7. Turn radio off 8. Press down and hold the tuning knob and lamp button while turning on the radio. VIEW: looking down with keypad removed *** *** = ***** * *** I ******************* * --------------- * I* | [FREEBANDER] | * I* | _____________ | * * YAESU * I* =============== * I* =============== * * =============== * * =========== * * * * --------------- * * | ABCDE | * * | IIIII | * * | : : : | * * | 1 2 3 | * * --------------- * ******************* 10. The vfo should display 144.000 Press FW. (this step may not be needed but it worked for me) Power off. 11. Powerup with lamp/ptt/knob held down. It should now be in tune mode with something new (BAND= A 1) change it pressing the knob for 1/2 second and then turn the knob to FREE. (BAND=FREE) 12. Power off and back on NOW RADIO DISPLAYS 50~540 590~1000 no gaps!!! (Dont change any other function or you could screw up alot of adjustments here) IT will tx where ever it locks. One radio 122~231 and 309~502 and another radio was 120-232mhz and 315-509mhz. This varies radio by radio. Tx is only miliwatts near the edges (DONT TX OUT OF BAND!!!). Rx locks after about 74mhz. it is very def in the 220 band tx is miliwatts. no tx above 502 but varies radio by radio. 13. If you have the ADMS 1 software you should have a copy of what was in your radio.before you started. 14. Copy from the radio. Save and name this file FREEBAND. This is to be saved as a clean copy for future use. 15. Copy from the radio again (or just copy the file) name this file MERGE. 16. Merge the old file to this file and send to radio. 17. With your palms facing forward put your thumbs in your ears, wiggle your fingers and stick out your tongue at your Users manual while it is open to page 10. 18. Then update page 10. Dont make the FCC and Yaesu angry at you by trasmitting where you are not supposed to. This information came from a Newsgroup message by Alan Judd, information gained from the Web Page at http://members.gnn.com/hca/ft50/index.htm and my own attempts at restoring the radio using this FREEBAND Mod. Please give Alan Judd great thanks for subjecting his radio to T&E R&D (trial and error research and development). -- E. Scott Sykes This is Ground Control. . .