------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other ARRL Foundation Services and Programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jesse Bieberman Meritorious Membership Grant Purpose: The fund, endowed through the generosity of Mrs. Bieberman and direct contributions, was established in the name of Jesse Bieberman, W3KT, Past Director of the Atlantic Division, whose special empathy for the elderly and disabled was well known to the amateur community. The fund is intended to provide for a one-year membership extension for applicants meeting the following criteria: US ARRL Membership of 25 years or more; and, 65 years of age or older, and with a known financial need. (No foreign members eligible, except at ARRL Executive Vice President's direction). Nomination of a Candidate: Recommendations will be accepted only from Division Directors. Send your nomination to your ARRL Division Director. The General Fund Grants Program Funded by the ARRL Foundation General Fund, this program provides moneys for worthy large-scale Amateur Radio projects such as satellite, SAREX, high-profile museum displays, emergency disaster communications, and numerous ARRL-specific projects for educational, promotional or organizational purposes. The ARRL Program for the Disabled Fund The fund's main goal is to aid in the development of referral resources for disabled amateurs, so that more people with disabilities can enjoy our wonderful hobby. The program is administered by ARRL's Educational Activities Department. Our ARRL Sourcebook for the Disabled is available via ARRL FTP and its VE7TCP and funet.fi mirrors for use by individuals, clubs, and rehabilitative personnel. (Visit the Courage HANDI-HAM Web page to find still more useful resources.) Help yourself or another get started in the hobby of a lifetime! The Simple Will Kit & Bequest Service By providing hams with an outlet to express their generosity for future generations of hams, our Simple Will Kit program has met the needs of those seeking testamentary language when considering a bequest to the ARRL or ARRL Foundation. Hams who wish to sponsor scholarships or add to preexisting programs after their deaths use the Kit with their attorney(s) thereby assuring a future endowment for many ARRL or ARRL Foundation programs. Bequests received by both organizations have benefited all those who participate in our respective programs. Memorial Contributions Service This outlet to hams and their families and friends allows for the expression of appreciation (Elmer or anniversary contributions) or the remembrance of a dear Silent Key. The Contributor's Corner section of our QST column fosters the practice of free-will contribution to our programs...but most hams need no encouragement to express the joy that Amateur Radio has brought to them or a departed loved one. Contributors come from all walks of life -- community groups, businesses, professional societies, and even family members who may have no interest whatsoever in radio hobbies. This service is growing every year and speaks highly of the innate generosity so common to our great ham family, friends and loved ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page last modified: 10:45 AM, 02 Jan 1998 ET Page author: [email protected] http://www.arrl.com/arrlf/grants.html#prog4dis lets go to the home page