Common Q-Signals

QRA The name of my station is _________.
QRG Your exact frequency is _________.
QRH Your frequency varies.
QRI Your transmission tone is (1: good, 2: variable, 3: bad)
QRJ Your signals are weak and i cannot receive you.
QRK I read your signals (1: bad, 2: poor, 3: fair, 4: good, 5: excellent)
QRL I am busy.
QRM I am being interfered with. (Man-made interference.)
QRN I am experiencing static. (Atmospheric interference.)
QRO Increase your power.
QRP Decrease your power.
QRQ Send faster ( ___ WPM.)
QRS Send slower ( ___ WPM.)
QRT Stop sending.
QRU I have nothing for you.
QRV I am ready.
QRW Tell _______ I am calling on _____ kHz.
QRX I will call you again at _____ hours.
QRY Your turn is number ___.
QRZ You are being called by _______.
QSA The strength of your signal is _____ (1:poor to 5: very good)
QSB Your signals are fading.
QSD Your keying is defective.
QSG Send _____ messages at a time.
QSK I can hear you between my signals; break in.
QSL I am acknowledging receipt.
QSM Repeat the last message that you sent me.
QSN I did hear you on ____ khz.
QSO I can communicate with ______.
QSP I will relay to ______.
QST General call to all amateurs.
QSV Send a series of V's on this frequency.
QSW I am going to send on this frequency.
QSX I am listening to ______ on ____ frequency.
QSY Change to another frequency.
QSZ Send each word or group twice.
QTA Cancel message number ____.
QTB I will repeat the first letter of each word.
QTC I have ____ messages for you.
QTH My location is ______.
QTR The time is _____.
QTV I will keep my station open until ______.
QTX I will keep my station open for further communications with you.

CW Net Q-Signals
* For use only by the Net Control Station.

QNA* Answer in prearranged order.
QNB* Act as relay Between _____ and _____
QNC All net stations Copy. I have a message for all net stations.
QND* Net is Directed (controlled by net control station).
QNE* Entire net stand by.
QNF Net is Free (not controlled).
QNG Take over as net control station.
QNH Your net frequency is High.
QNI Net stations report In.*.
I am reporting into the net. (Follow with a list or traffic or QRU).
QNJ Can you copy me?
Can you copy _____?
QNK* Transmit message for _____ to _____
QNL Your net frequency is Low.
QNM* You are QRMing the net. Stand by.
QNN Net control station is _____
What station has net control?
QNO Station is leaving the net.
QNP Unable to copy you.
Unable to copy _____
QNQ* Move frequency to _____ and wait for _____ to finish handling traffic.
Then send him traffic for _____
QNR Answer _____ and Receive traffic.
QNS* Following Stations are in the net. *(Follow with list.)
Request list of stations in the net.
QNT I request permission to leave the net for _____ minutes.
QNU* The net has traffic for you. Stand by.
QNV* Establish contact with _____ on this frequency.
If successful, move to _____ and send him traffic for _____
QNW How do I route messages for _____?
QNX You are excused from the net.*
Request to be excused from the net.
QNY* Shift to another frequency (or to _____ kHz) to clear traffic with _____
QNZ Zero beat your signal with mine.