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Well, I bet you're most curious about what occupies my time.

The Wife We've been happily married for 19 years. Really. We're happy. Just ask her. Actually, like all couples, we've had some troubles in our past, but our love is strong enough to carry us through. So while it hasn't been all champagne and dreams, and we're not as spry and fit as we once were, there have been wine and novel nights frequently.

The Daughter Delivered to us on November 5, 1991 in a Portland hospital, we're the adoptive parents of a lovely girl. Her life is our best investment.

The Machine Though it is the second newest thing in our lives (each other, followed by a spanking new Commodore 64 five years after, and our daughter six years after that), the machine has to be the work of the devil. It consumes all time and energy and gives page faults in return. It has its own room - the TV must share with the stereo and people. It quite nearly has its own circuit breaker, what with all the things it needs plugged in (let's see; tower, monitor, scanner, printer, camera, speakers, radio, TNC) plus a light, fan, and radio for me. My wall socket could be a poster child for electrical safety.

In the little spare time I have left, I watch a lot of movies, mostly Sci-Fi and Horror, hoping something will come along and really scare me. The Birds scared me, but I was six then and nothing has come close.

I also dabble in packet radio, simple programming, car repairs, home improvement (the act, not the show), fiction writing, and web pages; this being my third page. I browse the web for just about anything, always on the hunt for that one program that will do everything I need without having to download some plug-in or, God forbid, use a different program.