from Cartoon Network Field Day 2001!

We spent Field Day this year at the property of Chris, N3XRV, in Oxford PA. We operated as N3XRV 2A EPA (two transmitters, club station, East PA) with:
Patty KB3CTO
Chris N3XRV
from Cartoon Network
Chris decided to give us the 'club' name of '1st Chicken Squadron' -- the name comes from us having to listen to his chickens all day!

The weather this year was nice; both Saturday and Sunday were warm and Saturday evening was nice and cool. We did have a brief shower on Saturday, but everything dried out quickly. To Chris' surprise, the bugs were under control.

The operating site in Oxford, PA (front and back views). The back of the barn has a chicken coop which held our loud friends.
The large loop (~450 ft) was raised with a couple portable 30ft poles.
Here's Chris, N3XRV, working the IC-735 on 15m CW (left). We used the 735 on SSB, CW, and PSK-31 on 80m - 15m. Jon, KD3FG, and Ken, N3FZX, operate the Elecraft K2 rig on 40m CW (right).
Ken, Chris, and Jane attempt to work a satellite (AO-27). Jane read off the satellite location, Chris pointed the Arrow antenna, and Ken worked the radio.
Jon works more CW stations (left). Ken tries to get through to the International Space Station from his 2m FM station in his car (right).
Who's that?  

The score:
    Field Day 2001          N3XRV 2A EPA

Band    CW   CW pts Digital Dgt pts   SSB  SSB pts
----    --   ------ ------- -------   ---  -------
 80     50    100       0       0      20     20
 40     67    134       0       0      46     46
 20     65    130       0       0      40     40
 15     55    110       2       4      50     50
 10      4      8       0       0       0      0
       241    482       2       4     156    156

  x2 Power Multiplier ( < 150 W)

   QSO Points = 2 x (486 + 156) = 1284

Bonus Points:
100% Emergency Power (x2)    = 200
5 Natural Power QSOs         = 100
Copy ARRL Bulletin           = 100
Demonstration Mode (PSK-31)  = 100
          Total Bonus Points = 500

Solar Battery Contacts (on 80m CW):
10:53  W3SK      4A EPA
10:56  KD2A      1A WNY
10:57  K3WJV     2A DE
11:00  W8NP      2A OH
11:01  N2SE     12A NNJ
11:04  VE3FGU/MM 2C ON
11:06  N8NRJ     2A WV
11:12  KD1MW     2A RI
11:16  W3AI      5A EPA
11:22  N4XU      3A VA

PSK-31 Demonstration Contacts (on 15m):
13:23  W1SE      4A NFL
13:21  K5O       3A NTX

Total Claimed Score: 1784 from Cartoon Network