Jane Dionne, N1UGA Nelson Dionne, AA1MO Dave Suuronen, KB1KR
Nicholas Guarrasi, KA1LKY Eric Horwitz, KA1NCF Ed Sternfelt, KA1EDY
Mark Caron, N1UGM Steve Marshall, W1FSK Bill Canty, W1OKD
Jamin Edwards, N1XRU Debi Pike, N1UIW Scott A. Kingsley, WB1F
Rick Maybury, WZ1B Glenn Pike, KD1UX Bob Quinn, WV1A
Dick Ober, K1VRA Jon Cunningham, K1TP Ralph Knight, WA1GCO
Greg Woo, N1RZR Bill Poulin, WZ1L Brendan Woo, N1VTY
Tom Bernie, K0TB Al Williams, N1QEH Joe Pirroni, K1OUM
Ralph Karcher, W1RK Tony Marks, N1JEI Your name could be here! e-mail me
Larry Wright, W1EGJ Tom Andrew, KA1GTA Chuck Downey, N1OCT
If you are not listed here or you know of a club member with e-mail not listed, please e-mail me. Thanks. Glenn.

**Also, please check your mail link and let me know if it has changed since I last posted it.**