

Amateur Activity From KB9Q's Narrow Perspective
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146.52 Simplex Calling Frequency; Monitor For Mobile Emergencies
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"Say all you have to say in the fewest possible words, or your reader will be sure to skip them;
and in the plainest possible words or he will certainly misunderstand them." 
  -- John Ruskin
I'VE DONE SOME SSTV BUT HERE IS A REPORT ON ATV FROM FAITHFUL READER KC9BVS, CHRIS. By the way Chris, the DX record on 322 GHz is 1.4 km -- DX depends on your frequency!
Dear Sherm,
       I am writing this to tell you about an ATV contact I had with N9AB in Northern Illinois. We exchanged location information on 144.340 MHz NFM at approximately 10:50 pm Friday night July 2nd. After honing in on my signal he sent his which I was able to copy at times near P5!
I am excited about this contact, I thought for sure I was "not getting out". He described my shack and was able to pick up both color and sound.
As you know this is quite a wide banded signal so this distance and our success was probably due to excellent conditions. At the time of our fast scan video qso I was monitoring the Chicago Police Department covering the Milwaukee police department. When I heard that I knew the band would be "open".
There is life on wide band ATV at 439.2500MHz (cable channel 60)!
I am aware that there is a repeater in the works for ATV in Milwaukee. Now I just have to buy the 1.24 GHz transmitter and Amplifier to hit the darn thing.
I am happy to say simplex ATV can be DX and, even though it was just Northern Illinois, it seems like a victory to me.
Enjoy your Newsletter.

6 meter SSB, M, Tu,Thu, at 9:00 PM, Tu, 9:00 AM all on 50.160 MHz. (Central Time)
"Breakfast roundtable", Mornings at 7:30 AM (Central Time) on 144.155 MHz USB
(Covers South East Wisconsin, South West Michigan, Northern Indiana and North East Illinois)
MAARS SBB Net: 144.230, Thursday, 8:00 PM Central Time. NCS Milwaukee Area
For updates on ARRL Wisconsin
10-10 International: Monday - Saturday 1800 UTC 28.380 MHz (also 28.800 MHz with propagation)
Cross Country Simplex Group (FM) Sunday, 9:00 AM, 146.565 MHz and Tuesdays at 8:30 PM, 223.5 MHz. NCS in Gurnee, Illinois (Central Time)
HERE'S A REPORT ON FIELD DAY FROM FAITHFUL READER AND 160 METER CRONY AB8NB, RICK. He enclosed some fotos of preparation of the site that included moving some raccoons from operating positions!

I joined some of the 1895 Khz, 160 meter group as they supported the Thumb Area Amateur Radio Club on field day. It was held on the property of Del, KB8NNE. He has a pond with a small building nearby. it was a great site and W8SLC and I strung a 160 meter di-pole in the trees so we could check into the net. We did. Lots of fun. The attached photos are of Del, KB8NNE kicking out the squaters that had taken up residence in the building. One of Del and a closeup of one of the three little rascals what wanted our donuts. Lots of radio fun was had as well.
Rick, AB8NB

CENTRAL STATES VHF SOCIETY, 2004 Conference Mississauga, (Toronto area) Ontario Canada,  July 22-25, 2004 http://www.csvhfs.org/ 
ARRL and TUSCON AMATEUR PACKET RADIO (TAPR): 23rd Annual Digital Conference, September 10-12, 2004 De Moines Iowa http://www.tapr.org/dcc/ 
DAYTON HAMVENTION, May 20-21-22, 2005 http://www.hamvention.org/index.html
You might be interested in looking at "amateur" Marlon Brando's home address, etc. on QRZ.com, etc..   KE6PZH   Real name is Brandeaux (Pronounced Brando) He also operated under FO5GJ, SK from an Island Home in the South Pacific Ocean.
IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING USING THE PSK-31 MODE on the new Echo satellite I'll be glad to forward the data to you. I have the details on program mods that will help in the effort from G3PLX, Peter Martinez the father of the mode. (The five paragraphs would take up too much space here.)
IARU HF WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP, 1200Z Jul 10 to 1200Z Jul 11. 160 - 10 meters- http://www.arrl.org/contests.
UK DX CONTEST - RTTY, 1200Z Jul 10 - 1200Z Jul 11.
FIELD DAY ON THE CARFERRY BADGER, OPERATING AS W8M. For pictures, check out Mikes site, www.kc8wja.org. He included some with this message but I did not want to burden those with dial-up. More reports on Field Day from you LANDLUBBERS are still welcome!
Subject: Field Day 04 Status

Hello All,
    Here is the long awaited summary of how The SS. Badger Field day went. Sorry for the Delay, but I came home Sunday night, dump out my bags, repacked and headed out again. I'm just going to ramble off a few notes and clean it up for the web site later. so if I rambles- consider it the 4th. of July party talking
We started setup Saturday morning around 05:30 - 06:30.  - No pictures! - You don' t want to see us in the AM!
Loading went very well, the badger staff carried all our stuff up on their supply truck to the top of the board. we only had to load and unload the stuff. what more could we ask for??
The SS. Badger - it amazed my how many contacts had never heard of the badger. many as soon as you said Ludington car ferry picked up, but many were confused with the Muskegon ferry or thought the badger was scrapped. I glad we got the word out!
We had 2 Icom 706's for HF. Our antenna placement when well. we had a long wire running from the back of the smoke stack to the aft stanchions/ support some 30's about the ship. down to the aft Roof Deck. this was some where in the 200' range. worked great. for the other 706, we had to try a few different configurations. as the first HF was interfering with the latter. I haven't totaled up the log books now, but I do 40 & 80 were hot. the little HF I did was quite the pile up. Hats off to the HF guys, that takes a set of ear. everyone had a change to work HF (Even Pat - KC8WBS) I think she's hooked with HF. now we have to get her to upgrade past her husband Bob - N8UYC!
We worked (more that once!) W1AW/90 - this is the W1AW vintage AM-capable station donated by Joe Walsh, WB6ACU, and audio pro Bob Heil,K9EID. The gear, which arrived June 18, consists of a National NC-303 receiver and Johnson Viking Valiant transmitter, along with a customized Heil microphone and other accessories.
    Didn't hear a thing on 2M SSB or 6M SSB
    2M FM Simplex - When very well. we were using the good old tired and true 3/4 Copper J pole. worked like a charm. most contact were while we were out, based on come the the E-mail I have received, sounds like we were heard a lot further that we could hear (one report from La Crosse, WI, while we were near the middle of Lake Michigan, heading back to Ludington !)
    440 Simples - Nothing Heard, QRZ.
    900Mhz. - 1 contact. !!! Better that I thought.
    2m APRS - We a big hit. I've received e-mail of people who watched us cross, either via APRS or on the Web (www.kc8wja.org). I sorted thru the logs, 392 unique contact via messaging on APRS. much bigger hit that I thought it would be. also a hit among the passengers, the were fascinated that we could show where we were at, and all the other hams. this sparked a how slew of questions from passenger as to how it works, what amateur radio was, etc. I stated out having a log of those that were interested, but quickly became too busy to keep it up to date. next year we need to at least two people for public interaction during the Day passages.
    Had a dozen or so non-ham's actually talk on the air. I was amazed by how many people were interested, but too shy to talk. a feather in our cap was many Non-active ham (14) who either no longer are active or let the ticket lapse, were interested. many 'more experienced hams really picked up on the APRS and PACKET. they had never seen it, and many said they use MSN or Yahoo instant messenger. they could relate to that wanted info. I hoping we got the back in to the hobby.
Had 3 hams on board that were thrilled to death to see us onboard. they operated while there. ( I think the one gentlemen abandoned his family for the trip. to operate - we'll blame that on ken!)
Public Display:
    Many of the General public were  very interested to find out what ham radio was. most thought it was just HF or like 'CB's'. I gave the speech more time than I can remember. they were amazed at first and when they learned of our Public assistance role, Support to government, etc.. , most people were shocked to hear that we have lost frequencies and may be losing more. many comments were to the effect of "..I can't see why the government would even consider taking away Frequencies and should be giving more space.."
Now if only half of all the people I talked with write their representative and the FCC as I informed them was the best way to help, we'll be in great shape! We handed out a ton of ARRL brochures. would have been best I they were in color, but the was the best I could do
Public Notice:
    I was interview by the Ludington paper, and did a phone interview with a Wisconsin paper. not sure if it was printed yet, but it was Great PR!! thanks to tom - K8BIV for the press release in the 25th. hour with next to no notice!
We'll be putting together an article for QST magazine.
A Rare Gem:
    we were able to work the International Space Station (ISS) via APRS. This was a first for all of us onboard. voice contact was attempt, but we could make it thru, too many others, and most likely wrong antenna setup, but it was a thrill. After the first pass the word spread thru crew and passengers, as soon as the second pass occurred we had a crowd of passengers and crew (not sure who was steering the boat !) I could hear a WI stations get into the the ISS, this was a thrill, so we know we were close! We could hear the ISS on pass three, but no dice on working them. they are only visible for less the 2 mins. usable for 30 sec or so.
The sailing for great  - calm water all times. it did get cold on Saturdays return trip at 00:00, darn cold. but we came prepared. this is when ken and I got out 2 Hr. cat nap (I'm getting too old for 2 Hr of sleep in 48+hr.) on the forward deck. took sleeping bags and a reclined lawn chair - Poof instant bed at sea. clear night with real country dark (if your a city dweller, this means no street light.)
Don - our on board astronomer - pointed out a moon of Venus? it was visible with binoculars. what a sight!
Everyone had a great time. got to make new friends and meet new people. we even got a tour of the engine room, Plus. (Ken's pictures will be up on the web site shortly)
The big questions what would we do different?
    a few things, we are working on a list, but not much. this we very well think the the dedicated staff of operators.
    Will I do it again?
        Hope too. I going to start work on it. the badger crew were happy with us and we made friends - so stay tuned for next year.
I will be posting more info and pictures on my we site shortly (Still have to clean up today after the 4th of July party! )
Have to have a few picture now!! Here are a few: - see the Web for more.
Thanks for all you help,

Michael W. Smith

Indianapolis, IN, July 10, http://www.indyhamfest.com
Oak Creek, WI, July 10, South Milwaukee ARC. (No URL)
Aurora, IL, July 11,
MEETINGS: Send me your meeting dates 10 days ahead for a timely announcement here. 
OZAUKEE RADIO CLUB, (Check out their Field Day effort at  http://www.qsl.net/orc/newsltr.html )
7:30 pm, Wednesday, July 14 2004
Grafton Senior Citizens' Center
1665 7th avenue, Grafton Wisconsin.
REMEMBER IF YOU ARE GETTING THIS EPISTLE "SECOND HAND," I just need your E-mail address to send these electrons directly to you.

73, Sherm KB9Q, (EN52vv)
"A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on."
 -- William S. Burroughs
"People only get lost in thought because it is unfamiliar territory."
 --Paul Fix

"There are two things that are more difficult than making an after-dinner speech:
 climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you." 
 -- Winston Churchill



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