May 2003 KC8WBK Logbook

May 2003
Date UTC Freq Callsign Rcvd RST Sent RST Name QTH Rig Ant WX Comments
03-V-2003 0100 7040 va3euu 579 RST 439 RST Peter Coldwater Kenwood TS - - -
06-V-2003 0100 7040 aa8wqu 579 559 - - - - - Spartan Sprint
06-V-2003 0100 7040 n8tdh 599 559 - MI - - - Spartan Sprint, 5W
06-V-2003 0200 7040 wa8bxn 599 599 - OH - - - Spartan Sprint, 5W
06-V-2003 0200 7040 kh6b 579 559 - MI - - - Spartan Sprint, 3W
10-V-2003 1320 7040 w0wm 579 449 Percy South Dakota Icom 706 Inverted Vee Cloudy, cool -
10-V-2003 1400 7045 kc9lc 589 559 Randy Christiansburg, VA Icom 70 G5rt - Static, qsb
10-V-2003 0238 7040 k30wz 559 449 John Little Meadows, PA - - - Good start but buried by a PSK cq, who got no answer but ended our qso
23-V-2003 1233 7020 n0mno 599 569 Dave St. Paul, MN - - - -
25-V-2003 1340 - wb2nvs - 459 Lloyd Hackensack, NJ - - - -
25-V-2003 2320 7040 kb8mny 589 599 George Troy, MI Elecraft K-1 Inverted-V - Confirmed location of 7040 on dial
25-V-2003 2349 7117 k8zct 599 579 Bill Pickerington, OH Icom 746 - - 2nd qso w/Bill, he turned down pwr to 5W for qso, likes this website