March, 2003
Date UTC Freq Callsign Rcvd RST Sent RST Name QTH Rig Ant WX Comments
3/22/03 0345 7125 kc5mdf - 559 Charles Salado, TX - - - Broadcaster started on the hour, qrm
3/22/03 1409 7120 kg4mb - 585 Virgil Flat Gap, KY Icom 830 - - conditions changing, qrm
3/22/03 1752 7120 n2vbk 599 599 Paul Cuba, NY - - nice he was at cabin, had to clean outhouse
3/25/03 0208 7100 ke4fig 598 559 Danny Powderly, KY - - - I answered his CQ, mobile, Danny sent me my first QSL card
3/29/03 0315 7120 ka0tpx 599 559 Jerry Dalton, MO - - - qrm
3/29/03 0315 7120 km4lt 599 559 Ed Richmond, VA - - - disappeared, qrm?
3/29/03 2020 7118 w9aaw 599 559 Bruce Quincy, IL Icom 765 Dipole - Reported good tone, has a SW+30m, long qso
3/30/03 0010 7121 ka9eyf 599 599 Larry Buffalo Grove, IL Heathkit DX 60 - - nice qso, fast code, another station started sending over us, didn't get to SK
3/30/03 0430 7115 kg4wbh 599 599 Larry Trenton, GA Alinco DX70T Sloper - Upgraded rst from 579, has a Rockmite