Hello!Hi and welcome to my webshack! I am a amateur radio operater and an avid woodworker.In the coming months I will be adding pics and stuff of interest to me. Feel free to wander around and enjoy the site.
Technical info:I am currently a Tech class amateur radio operater. I am a member of the COOKEN club,which stands for Central Ohio Operaters Klub Extra-Novice.They are a great bunch of guys who have helped me immensley.John Mellet W8NM has been my Elmer since I first contacted him about getting into ham radio.But all the rest of the Cooken gang has been my mentors also! I'm not sure how far I would've got without their help! So Thank You All.Including Dave KC8TK, Howard K8PWL, and Andy KC8EVM.As of June,2002 I am also the COOKEN President. UPDATE My wife,Kelli, recently passed her test and is now KC8UVA! I'm working on getting my code out of the way with the help of Andy KC8EVM. Hope to be haunting the HF waves soon! The COOKEN club did a tower project at the KC8EVM repeater site and it was great! We had a great time.The tower is noe up at 100' and seems to be doing great. [file:///C:/WINDOWS/Desktop/Ham Radio/KC8SSG's Webshack_files/pics.html] My Equipment: I
recently bought an original Icom 706 to listen to
anything.I also added a G5RV Jr. in the attic and a
MFJ-948 Versa Tuner II to keep the 706 under control.This
year was my first hamfest and I did the biggie.Dayton!It
was great! I went with Andy KC8EVM and had a blast.While
at Dayton I bought a Vertex VX-150 2 meter HT.I also came
across a Astatic D-104 mic,with a little custom work I
now use it on my 706.I have a Yaesu FT-1500M that is
hooked to a Alliance U-100 rotor and control with a
Cushcraft 2M 4 element beam. As you can see I have a
computer desk in my bedroom for a shack right now. |