The .39 group...

or how the 147.390 group hams it up again!!!

- Laurel Valley Plantation .....Thibodaux,La. .....May 5th,2002 -
Thibodaux Amateur Radio Club Crawfish Boil

Here Becky KC5ZMB and Neil KC5RCE discuss their next crawfish boil....that night!!!

Here Neil and Dino KD5JZN get the finer points of why never to ask Mike KC5OKP's for directions

Here is Bobby KD5CVL looking over the finer points of crawfish

Here is James KC5TXB with his Puppy Dog....... I haven't done anything face

Here is Kerry KB5ZJK tipping his hat to the camera man before........

Chrome Dome alert!!!!!!!!

What you pointing that thing at me for?...asks Adam KC5TXA

Here's Dino digging in with Neil in the background

Here's James cracking and yakking
(with Adam in the background telling him to stop his lying....again!)

Look...It's Mr Ed KC5MMG

Here Becky shows Madeline why not to be like her dad Brett KB5YZB

Here's Becky getting into crawfish contest eating form.. as James watches close by

Here is most of the .39 group
Most of the group on the 147.390 repeater
Top (L-R) Kerry KB5ZJK, Freddie KD5FIX, Ronnie KD5GAG, James KC5TXB, Dean (Dean-o) KD5JZN, Ed KC5MMG, Al KD5NVE
Middle (L-R)  Mike KC5OKP, Neil KC5RCE, Becky KC5ZMB, Brett KB5YZB, Senior (Adam#1) KC5TXA, Greg KD5IJE
Bottom  Bobby KD5CVL
Thanks to Melissa Williams (yl of Brett KB5YZB) for taking the picture so we could get Greg in!

The End!
(Need a hint on who it is? This girl is noxious:-)

Pictures courtesy of, taken by, and copywright 2002 by Greg Babin Photography(KD5IJE)-Prairieville,La.
used with permission
Also Thanks to Al KD5NVE and James KC5TXB for help in getting the pictures on the web

2002 KC5OKP

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