My code plugs and CSV files
CSV files are the fastest and easiest way to build a code plug
This is the best way to avoid "Band Error"  when writing a code plug someone sent you

I use WPS Office, a free word, spreadsheet software. Open Office is another good one to use for modifying your CSV files, you can also use Google Sheets

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CSV and Code Plugs
my dmr files

All you need to create your own code plug is a good list of network talkgroups like these

The Most Common CPS issues

You must already have the correct version of CPS and are able to read and write from the radio before you can import the files and for the rdt plug files your radios band split must match
I use Band-00000  "European Commercial" for all of my code plugs, it allows full access to the radios band split

"Band Error" The plug and your radios band plan must match, go to model info and check it, to change it in the radio you must use "AT-Options" (More instructions) (Screen shot)

Radios band plan and CPS band plan need to match to use other code plugs. a way to avoid all this is to just import the CSV files, the building blocks of any plug and they are pretty much universal

Note: You must import the talk groups first then layer the rest on top of that, if you run into any issues re-import the channels.

"Wrong Model" the CPS must match the radios firmware version

No communication through cable with computer, push the cable all the way into the radio and into the computer, if you don't hear the Windows chimes indicating a device connected you might have a comm port issue.

Download the latest DMR digital contacts list

By request I can build you a really nice code plug with extra DMR networks, talk group rewrites for them and everything just
 send me an email with the details of your desired operation
getting code plug help from the soupTHE SOUPS SUPER CODE PLUG

DR Dave*Whimpy

I crank these out like a sausage factory no problem, so if you need help
Contact the soup for help email

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