How to add your BM password into your hotspot
WARNING! There are 3 passwords not to be confused with the "Hotspot" password, this is your network access passoword for your devices

BrandMeister account users dashboard password BrandMeister support password Hotspot "Security password

First create or get your BrandMeister network password by logging into your BrandMeister acct, then from the drop menu under your call select "Self Care" add or reset your password and save it

Then go into the pi dashboard and from the configuration scroll down to "DMR configuration" and add your BM password then hit "Apply Changes" then wait.

If all of this is correctly entered and it still doesn't work, use my
 Troubleshooting your hotspot
If it still won't connect there may be an issue with your BrandMeister acct, if you bridged a talk group or used DV Switch they will block you at that point you will need to contact them and beg to be let back in
good luck

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