AR BM DMR repeater list
as of Jan 2025 Arkansas has around 71 listed repeaters in total, of which only around 26 are actually on the air connected to a BM server

as of 4 Jan

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If a repeater is not listed here, it's not connected to a DMR server
also note sometimes these repeaters will disconenct for a few days then return
         Click on repeater DMR ID for current status
Repeater IDRepeater CallLocationFrequencyCCTSTrusteeStatic Talkgroups TS-1Static Talkgroups TS-2
310150KG5QYMRoyal  Not always connected442.100001TS1 TS2KG5QYM31050131051, 31058
310161W5WRAIMBODEN442.400001TS1 TS2W5WEC31050131051, 31058
310336KA0JTIMountain View443.600001TS1 TS2KA0JTI31313131
310502W5NWAHarrison442.900001TS1 TS2N5NBJ3100, 3105123105, 310502
310504AC5XVLittle Rock443.125002TS1 TS2AC5XV31051, 91 on schedule310501, 310504, 3105
310508W5AUUConway443.750001TS1 TS2N5OMW3105, 310522 310508, 3105135-(N5OMW)
310514K5NEAJonesboro442.212501TS1 TS2N5JFD31051310514
310515K5CSRussellville442.362501TS1 TS2K5CS31051, 310518, 3119886-(Mats personal ID)310515
310518N5CGLittle Rock  Not always connected443.600001TS1 TS2K5TELNone310501
310523KG5JPKEureka Springs443.425001TS1 TS2KD5DHWNoneNone TS-2 Reserverd for 31058
310878KG5QYMRoyal145.230002TS1 TS2KG5QYM3105, 31051, 31052, 310504, 310517, 311678310150, 310501, 310527, 310878, 311575
311183N5QZSearcy442.200001TS1 TS2N5QZ310531055, 310520
311490N5QISearcy444.000001TS1 TS2N5QI310531055, 310520
311575WB5SPAHot Springs442.350002MMDVMKG5QYM3105, 31051, 31052, 310501, 3170791-(KB5LZK)311687
311678K9EAGMalvern443.050001MMDVMK9EAG3105, 31051, 311575
312487K5WMSHelena444.375006TS1 TS2K5WMS312487
312557N5SEACrossett444.975001TS1 TS2KF5PCV312557
312772NI5AHarrisburg  Not always connected444.600001TS1K5TW312772
312873KG5ABlytheville444.175001TS1 TS2KX4MQ31471Clusters West Tenn
313880KG5JPIWinslow442.612501TS1 TS2N5KWLNoneNone TS-2 Reserverd for 31058
314148W1KLMFinch443.825001TS1 TS2W1KLM
314317N5ALNMarion "West Memphis"444.625001TS1 TS2N5ALN31051, 31471, 312772314148
314359KG5JPJDodd Mtn Springdale442.525001MMDVMN5KWLNoneNone TS-2 Reserverd for 31058
314419K5GOEFayetteville New! Not operational yet443.12500    1MMDVMKI5WUJTBATBA

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