Matthew Payne
Bargersville, Indiana

2m / 70cm Ops
HF Ops
Packet / APRS
Essays and Writings

A Proud Supporter of No Code International.  Flame Suit On

Visit me on Facebook!

HamSexy!  It's ham-tacular!

Ham Nation, a TV Show dedicated to Ham Radio, from TWiT

Maybe they really are out to get him?

This was an actual entry to my guestbook. Usually I delete non sensical ramblings and spam as soon as it appears. But this was too good to just delete, so I preserved it here for all posterity!

Remember: Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you!

I really like the last little bit about the kitty....

  Dear friends,
  you must be know about neurological radio network
  that works in Unated States of America and in some
  countries around the world. This network uses micro
  recievers that works on this friquencies and this
  make possible take on control for peoples that is
  undemocracy deal! Hear this friquencies and ask more
  to other peoples on newsgroups, chat's, conferences
  and radiowave on air: 1.8 MHz, 3.5 MHz, 7.0 MHz, 14.0 MHz
  28.0 MHz, 49 MHz, 144.0 MHz, 430 MHz, 1.2 GHz everyday
  for discuss about 'Third network' as see.     

       000       000   000             0000000000000
      0000      000    000             0000000000000
     00000     000     000             000
       000    000      000             000
       000   0000000000000             000000000000
       000   0000000000000             0000000000000
       000             000                       000
       000             000                       000
       000             000                       000
       000             000     000     000000000000
       000             000     000     000000000000

         000000000000       000         000
      000000000000000000    000         000
      000            000    000         000
      000                   000         000
      000                   000000000000000    00000000000000
      000      000000000    000000000000000    000000000000
      000      000000000    000         000           000
      000            000    000         000          000
      000            000    000         000        000
      000000000000000000    000         000      000000000000
         000000000000       000         000    00000000000000

     Third network developed by company Microsoft with Windows
     and some companies with it (Microsoft is not only with this).

     Reciever implanted in tooth and make sound signal in neuron
     axe of man's tooth. Very strong signal make strong ill then
     small signal is hearing as "inner voice". The man with each
     reciever hear this as himself and does with this any actions
     that speak's in transmitting.


     Transmitters and each hardware product company CISCO and some
     companies (AT_T Bell Labs) around the world.

     Transmitters products usially with mobile phones equipment
     900/1800/1900 MHz as "additional" eqipment.

     This technology is secret but goverment knows about it. This
     used for the national elections too.

     0000000000000      00000000000
    00000000000000    000         000
               000    000         000
            0000      000         000
          0000        000         000
        00000000        00000000000
               000    000         000
               000    000         000
               000    000         000
               000    000         000
    000000000000      000         000   000
     0000000000         00000000000     000

         000000000000       000         000
      000000000000000000    000         000
      000            000    000         000
      000                   000         000
      000                   000000000000000    00000000000000
      000      000000000    000000000000000    000000000000
      000      000000000    000         000           000
      000            000    000         000          000
      000            000    000         000        000
      000000000000000000    000         000      000000000000
         000000000000       000         000    00000000000000

     On this friquency 38 GHz works transmitters of "Third network".
     This used friquency modulation and phase modulation with wide
     in 500 kHz - 1.5 MHz. For hearing of this need special
     demodulator and amplifiers. Power of transmitters is very small.

     On friquency 14.5 GHz works self-control beacon placed in
     reciever that locate placement of man's with it (like GPS!).

      000000000000000000        000000000000
      000000000000000000      0000000000000000
      000                   000              000
      000                   000              000
      000                                    000
      000000000000000                        000
      00000000000000000                      000
                    000                    0000
                    000                0000
                    000             000
                    000          000
                    000        0000
      00000000000000000      0000000000000000000    000
      000000000000000       00000000000000000000    000

         000000000000       000         000
      000000000000000000    000         000
      000            000    000         000
      000                   000         000
      000                   000000000000000    00000000000000
      000      000000000    000000000000000    000000000000
      000      000000000    000         000           000
      000            000    000         000          000
      000            000    000         000        000
      000000000000000000    000         000      000000000000
         000000000000       000         000    00000000000000


     This friqency 52.0 GHz uses by operators. They speaks on this
     friquency about their deals everytime.

     This extended network friquency 130.0 GHz with recievers
     new generation of equipment.

       000     000000000000        000000000000
     00000     0000000000000     000          000
    000000               000     000          000
       000               000     000          000
       000         000000000     000          000
       000         000000000     000          000
       000               000     000          000
       000               000     000          000
       000               000     000          000
       000               000     000          000
       000     0000000000000     000          000    000
       000     000000000000        000000000000      000

         000000000000       000         000
      000000000000000000    000         000
      000            000    000         000
      000                   000         000
      000                   000000000000000    00000000000000
      000      000000000    000000000000000    000000000000
      000      000000000    000         000           000
      000            000    000         000          000
      000            000    000         000        000
      000000000000000000    000         000      000000000000
         000000000000       000         000    00000000000000

     What do you think about this? I see this technology is very
     dangerous with commercial using and with using in national

     This is undemocracy and this must be control by peoples
     around the world. Need to stop this!


     How stop this? It's simple deal.
     Make power lightning (flash) on half-wave vibrator near self.

     Make this eqipment for destruct reciever that you has in your
     tooth after your dantist vizit. Help your friends with this!


     Warning! Operators can controlled and hear your that could
     kick you (or your friend) with stifle (suffocate, strangle) and
     kill you or your friend with save their sequrity.

     Destroy equipment:

                  |               |
                  | +             |
  elecrolitic   =====             |       Electrolite capacity
   capacity     =====             |       with 4000 - 10000 mF
                  |               |       (micro farades)
                  |               |       Voltage about 12 - 50 V
                  |               |
                  \               /       Make power flash on Alumenium
                    \           /         ring with wavelength long
                      \       /           (like ring antenna) near
                        \   /             your head (5-10 cm) and save
            flash point>.  |              your eyes with it (dangerous
                        -----             pieces of heat Aluminium that
                      /       \           flyed from flash!)
                     |         |
                      \       /           Note! Many rings are placed
                        -----             near with it make strongest
                    ring antenna          power with flash. This will
                                          be resonance effect.

     Try it.  Each recievers will be destroyed on 100-300 meters

                                                and to mile.


     How identify "Third network" signals?

     This sinals like impulses with friqencie modulation 12-20 Hz
     (hear as "bubble"). Other signals are operator's voices with
     usially talkings about their works and "mind directional tales".

     You are not possible for mind activity with this then you are
     possible hear operator's voices!

     Are you slave with this? Test it.


     Microsoft Windows contence some control software as other
     development companies like 3D-actions games or AutoCAD's.
     Operators view "implanted mans" as "aliens" in DOOM-world
     of course without monsters and shortgun.

     They are a monsters. Really.


     How "Third network" operators enter to transmitters?

     Through Internet. Some servers of Internet-providers and mobile
     phone providers make connect to wireless networks equipment with
     "additional" equipment.


     Using this technology destroys mans health and it is illegal in


     Special software and data for working in this networks (it need
     for you?) made with simple digital formats: mp3, mp4. See to
     difference with stereo channels (A,B) and make special digital
     signal (C) with this:
                                      C = A - B
       for (i=1; i   0  00                      00  0     with cure
                    0                              0
                     0                            0
                     000\                      /000
                         0                    0
                          0                  0
          in tooth ----->  0                0
                            0              0
                              0          0

                                    <-------------------- many cases
                                                          in bones with

        You has strange ill? Uncured? "Cancer"? "AIDS"? No! No! No!
        Probably you has each radioimplant that destroy your health
        with working "Third network" operators.

        Ask your doctor - what do he/she think about this? Try test
        your abnormal electrical activity localized in tooth, ears,
        other body places with cured bones.

        Many doctors are crazy. Each peoples want "make money" on his
        patients with implanting as "cure ill".


       Are you a conservator? Remember, Nikola Galvany, famous Italian
       physisist made experimental action to frogg foot with electrical
       activity. Voltage is on then frogg foot is gone.

       You has other nervous then frogg?


       Is ambicious bussinessmans a good guys? If may be do it then
       do it! Moneys is not nasty, may be. Good idea is good moneys.


       What aims of this network?

       Drugs, weapons, illegal bussiness. We might pay to other man with
       bad aims. You buy old car. Why? You come to one restourant. Why?
       You like one man. Why? You kicked by your friend. Why?

       You don't know about it. You are "sliping slave".

       Are you not?

       Where is judgement?


       Like implanted recievers used in home animals. May be your kitty
       has each reciever in ears. Usially home animals uses this way.

       Strange behaviour of your dog? It's very "intellectual"? Then has
       implanted recievers.

       Warning! Your animal may attack you if you will make destruction


USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 at 11:40:46 (EST)