

Network105 is a packet radio based network consisting of a bunch of ham
radio operators scattered around the USA and some of them out of it too :)
It resides on the frequency of 14.105 LSB when using the normal kantronics packet
tones of 1600/1800 at 300 baud.   If you use some of the other tones available
with other tnc units, you will have to adjust your frequency to accomodate for
 the difference...

Lately, some of us have also been using packet radio on 40 meters since
the 20 meter paths have been so poor.  Frequency is 7.104 LSB with the same
tones of 1600/1800 at 300 baud.  Feel free to spin the dial and join us there
as well - i have a seperate station set up for this frequency.

And yet another hf packet frequency on 80 meters has been recently set up
here as well: 3.596 USB / Net80   Same tones of 1600/1800 at 300 baud.

See you "out there" on the airwaves..........   73,  --steve,kb9pvh--

soundmodem picture