Ohio District 3 ARES Net

The Ohio District 3 ARES Net meets every Wednesday evening at 8:00 PM local time on the 145.110 & 224.160 repeaters in Dayton, Ohio.  I am currently the Net Manager for this net.  This net is held to give amateur operators a chance to lear the finer points of being a net control in a low stress environment rather than throwing them to the wolves in an actual emergency.  This net also serves as a common place to pass ARES and public service related information to others in the area (anything from upcomming test sessions, to public service events, to news on ongoing ARES operations in the area or around the country).  All liscensed amateurs are welcome to check in.  You may need 67 hz CTCSS on 145.110 as some recieve sites utilize this tone occasionally.  For more information on Ohio District 3 ARES or the net you can check in or go to the ARES web page at http://www.ohd3ares.org.