Marvin Crain


   Marvin Crain is one of the most unforgettable characters I have ever known, as was Don Norton. Marvin Crain started to work for KNET during WWII and remained with the station for many years.  His voice was so distinctive, that every citizen within listening distance recognized it immediately...  A local Cafe Waitress was asked one time if she had ever met Marvin Crain, and she told the customer, that  Marvin came into eat there everyday.. The customer wanted to know what he looked like, and the waitress said, "He is as ugly as a bar of homemade soap".  Marvin heard about it, and got a great laugh out of it... stating, "I guess from now on I will just call myself Old Soapy" Marvin Crain's sense of humor is unsurpassed... and was a master at "one upsmanship".



Marvin Crain as he appeared in 1950

Marvin Crain as he appears today
