The Ten Commandments
of Slowscan

by Dave Jones - KB4YZ

  1. Use voice before sending SSTV.

  2. Wait for voice and SSTV traffic to finish before sending SSTV.

  3. Choose an SSTV mode that is proper for the image to be sent, band conditions, and the receive capability of the receiving stations.

  4. Announce the SSTV mode used prior to sending.

  5. Transmit on frequency as confirmed by calibration of the VFO with WWV.

  6. Send straight pictures as confirmed by calibration of the clock timing with WWV.

  7. Send quality pictures with call sign on image.

  8. Send full frame.

  9. Avoid sending a CW ID unless required by regulations.

  10. Describe the picture only after it is confirmed that it was properly received.