Amateur Radio differs from other social media because: a. radio contacts are typically 2-way communications between specific stations or groups of stations (nets) b. one-way broadcast style transmissions are specifically prohibited c. a government issued license is required to transmit legally d. amateur radio is not anonymous - signal identification is required e. licensed call signs are to be used as identification, rather than self-selected, possibly misleading "screen names" f. communication is usually in real time, communicating directly with other people g. all communication is open and public h. disciplined, orderly communication is encouraged i. because a license is required to transmit, everyone on the air generally has a shared technical competence j. goal is simply to communicate, and causing interference is illegal; sending false signals is illegal, too k. no commercial interests are allowed, and advertising is not permitted l. amateur radio provides public service, including communication during emergencies m. amateur radio is independent of infrastructure, low cost, no monthly fees or usage fees or data limits n. there is freedom to experiment, to make your own, at the highest power allowed for individual usage o. location of signal source can be identified p. robot transmitters are not allowed on ham bands, with some specific exceptions, e.g. propagation beacons q. there's no way an incoming signal can 'infect' your radio r. no persistent recordings of signals remain on earth