My name is Wilson Merchant (Willie). I live in Sussex County Delaware. I am 34 years old, married and have 2 children. My interest are Ham Radio, Fishing, Camping, and I am a Captain in the Indian River Vol. Fire Co.. I work full time as a 911 Dispatcher for The City Of Rehoboth Beach the Nations Summer Capital. I became interested in Ham Radio a few years ago but never though I had the time to get the license for it. In the summer of 2002 I began to do some research and found out how easy it is to get a technician class license. In October of 2002 I took the test after studying for several weeks and aced it. I joined the local radio club in November and made the mistake of letting them know I work shift work and am available during the day a lot to help out. The next meeting they made me Vice President of the organization. Not sure if I should have opened my mouth now or not, hi hi. Actually they are a great group and I am honored that they would accept me so openly. Both of my kids have taken an interest in ham radio and they are both studying to take the test. They are aged 6 and 13. My 6 year old daughter was upset recently when she saw the article on ARRL's website about the 6 year old girl that just passed the general license exam. She wanted to be the youngest one to get it but she still is excited by it. 

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