Boone County ARES net preamble
(This is a suggested format that may be modified at the discretion of the net control station.)
This is (your call) preparing to call the Boone County ARES net. Does anyone wish to use the repeater before we start?
This is (your call) and I am opening the Boone County ARES weekly net. This net meets each Sunday at 8 PM local time through the courtesy of the Boone Area Radio Klub.
The purpose of this net is to:
Provide operator training
Make announcements
Handle formal or written traffic
Provide a forum to share comments
This net is a function of the Iowa Amatuer Radio Emergency Service and is affiliated with the National Traffic System. It is sponsored by the American Radio Relay League. This is a directed net so all traffic or comments shall be directed to the Net Control Station. The net meets at 146.85/25 MHz. If the repeater is off the air, the net will be conducted on 146.550 MHz – “simplex”.
Before taking check-ins:
Is there any emergency or priority traffic? (handle immediately)
Are there any announcements? (handle these now)
Is there any formal or written traffic to pass? (ask the station to pass it after the net)
All stations are welcome and encouraged to check in: A – L, A – Z
After taking check ins, ask for comments. Stop periodically for further check ins.
Is there any further business for the net before we close? An abbreviated net will be conducted immediately following this net on the Boone Amateur Radio Klub 440 MHz repeater.
Thank you for checking in. If there is no further business for the net, we will close the Boone County ARES 2 meter net and return the 2 meter repeater to normal use. This is (your call) “clear”.
NOTE: An abbreviated version of this preamble may be used for the 440 net at the discretion of the net control station.