CQ contest K9GY

5NN IL...QSL?...QRZ 

My Dad, NS7I, got me started in Amateur Radio when I was 13 years old. We attended license classes together. Dad was interested in operating radio-controlled airplanes on 6m. We complemented each other well since he was good at the theory and I was good at Morse code.

My original callsign from 1977 through 1998 was WD9GGY. My current callsign is a shorter version of my original and much easier to say and send! Although K0GY is also active on the bands.

My primary focus is HF contesting, while chasing DX is my secondary focus. At home, I concentrate on domestic contests like NAQP, Sweepstakes, and Sprints. CW is my favorite mode, while SSB is a distant second choice.

For DX contests, I really like the camaraderie generated with multi-operator efforts. I have been fortunate enough to operate from some very nice stations! W9JA (now K4JA), W3LPL, K3ZO, and K4JA. My favorite contests are the WAE CW and the CQ WW CW contests.

My midwest USA radio club is the Society of Midwest Contesters (SMC). Sometimes different club members activate the W9SMC callsign. My east coast club is the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC).

My station consists of a Yaesu FT-990, Kenwood TS-440, and a Cushcraft R7000 vertical with the base of the antennaup about 10 feet from the ground. For contest logging, I use WriteLog and for non-contest logging it's DX4WIN. My friend Scot K9JY has a helpful WriteLog website.

I work as a self-employed software consultant, predominately using the RPG language on midrange IBM computers such as the AS/400. I have a BA in Computer Science and a MBA in International Business.

Since 1983, I have been a member of the United States Army Reserves. Field Artillery was my first military occupational skill (MOS 13B), then I transitioned into personnel (MOS 75H). My current assignment is at the Total Army Personnel Command (TAPC) in Alexandria, VA. For three months I served on active at Fort Knox, KY during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Fortunately, I was able to listen to the bands during off times at the MARS station on post. My various Reserve assignments have taken me to Egypt, Germany, and Alaska!

Here is my understanding wife and our cats.

Hope to work you in the next contest! CQ Contest!

73, Eric