
Where do I download Allstar Asterisk? HERE!

Where do I download Python version 2.7? HERE!

What features do I need to use in the Raspberry PI version 1.02 alpha code?

We use the RX COSFLAP to hold off the raspberry pi from transmitting until the DR-1X COS output reset. rx_cosflap=250

What jumpers do I need on the KITLINK interface?

Place a jumper between these header pins:

Pin #1 to pin #4, Pin #3 to pin #6, Pin #3 to pin #13,

Pin #5 to pin #12, Pin #14 to pin #15

Do I need any other Files?

In the /tmp/directory create a file with nano called AME.conf In this file put the following line: E,450,500

Also, in rpt.conf in the [functions] stanza you can create DTMF codes to change this file. The allowable commands are:

A    Auto/Auto mode. No RPI

E,xxx,yyy   AME mode - RPI will select FM or C4FM

C   C4FM mode. No RPI

F   FM mode. No RPI

What is the best way to start kitlink.py ?

There are several ways to do this:

Kitlink.py must be run in the background. You can start this program by adding it to the allstar.rc file, OR by creating a macro that executes when asterisk starts up. The macro must call a script that calls the following command: Python /etc/asterisk/local/kitlink.py&

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Neil Sablatzky  K8IT
Allstar Node 41838 KITLINK
Allstar Node 42087 KITLINK HUB
IRLP Node exp0068
Echolink K8IT-L
WIRES-X K8IT 11479 Room 21479