July 21, 2002 Rocky Work Party

Our Fearless Leader - Francis KB7IP

Is Francis working or just showing off for the camera???

Bill N6IMS who graciously let us use his work shop to put the final touches on the box.

Bill also have a VAST knowledge of radio's and repeaters. We wouldn't have gotten as far as we did without him.

Bill working on one of his projects while we do some of the simpler stuff on the box.

WHAT? Can it be true? Francis actually doing something?

Just joking Francis, you are the mainstay of the group. You do all of the planning and organizing.

Without you pushing the rest of us, nothing would have gotten done.

And don't forget the food you bring to the work parties....


Here is the rear of the box before the 6 meter remote was installed.

Here is one great piece of test equipment. You need a years worth of school just to figure out how to operate it though.

Again, thanks to Bill for his knowledge and expertise and the use of his test equipment, with him as the operator.

The front of the box before the 6 meter remote was installed.

Ok, everything is installed, now what?


Power? You mean we have to have electricity to make this thing work?

Here is Steve KD6TTP doing some final connector work on the top of the box. What you see from top to bottom is;

The UHF 440 Primary duplexer

The GE Master II UHF Primary Repeater

The Link Systems RLC-3 Repeater Controller

The GE MVP 420 Full Duplex Link

The GE Master II 6 Meter Remote

The Motorola Micor 10 Meter Remote

The Astron 35 Amp 12 volt DC power supply for the link and remote radios.

The GE Master II Repeater 12 volt DC Power Supply

Here is the old clunker lap top computer we are using to program the controller.

Have you ever tried to program a RLC controller?

It is a real chore, but one of the most versatile controllers around.


The top of the box with our temporary ID Tags.

This is a picture of Bill's Explorer. See the box on the right? That has all of his radio equipment in it.

Bill is a master at metal work and finishing projects like this.