Janesville, CA. 96114

**The next LARC meeting will be held at on Saturday,
August 17th, 2024 at the Susanville Pizza Factory meeting room.**


We were able to Reserve the room for January through November with regular dates and times. There will be no meetings June, July or December of 2024

With the warmer weather and increasing Solar Flare activity the higher HF bands have been popping. If you have the capability dont miss the world wide openings on 15, 12 and 10 Meters sometimes going well into the night. 6 Meters is off and on early mornings or late afternoons and after sunset also.

I have not heard much about June Field Day activity and I was not able to play at the annual LARC event this year but I did operate several hours from home on Sunday before noon as a 1D-SV and made 37 six meter contacts as far east as Maryland running 50 watts to a home brew modified G5RV antenna at 40 feet.

As mentioned earlier hopefully everyone has a carefree and enjoyable summer.

Best of luck working States, DX or Rag-Chewing and 73: Terry, K6ME

I can be reached at 530-253-1099 afternoons and evenings or at > [email protected] <

Sincerely: Terry Cobb Sr., K6ME

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The Club PO box of 270011 in Susanville has been canceled due to the
exorbitant fee increase. The new mailing address for the LARC Club is:
Lassen Amateur Radio Club PO Box 316 Janesville, CA. 96114

Update on Repeaters and Mtn top Nodes
June 23/24 2024 annual ARRL Field Day
Possibly a short presentation?
And of course, a door prize or two

We were able to Reserve the room for January through November with regular dates and times
There will be no meetings June, July or December 2024

Club Dues were/are due for the year 2024 beginning January 01, 2024!

Now accepting 2024 Club Dues which are now due!
You can print out an application from our Web site that is posted above if
you have any address or call sign changes and or updates.


Whether you are an ARES member a Club member or a guest,
please try and participate in the weekly ARES group Thursday evening Nets
beginning at 6:30 PM on HF-3.987 MHZ LSB followed shortly thereafter with
another net on the Shaffer Mtn. Repeater on 146.880 MHz FM and again on DMR Shaffer Local '1'.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Blacks Mtn. UHF Repeater in test mode
PL Tone (156.7)
The CW ID is W6PRN

New Shaffer MTN UHF Repeater is in test mode
PL Tone (91.5)

Sincerely: Terry Cobb Sr., K6ME
I can be reached at: 530-253-1099
afternoon and evenings,
or at: [email protected]

Monthly meetings are reserved at the Pizza Factory except for June & July & December of 2024.

**2024 Club Dues are due!**
**An application can be downloaded
from the front home webpage of this website.**

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

They now charge a reservation fee of $10.00 for the meeting room so please donate $1.00
toward this fee at the meeting as I have already prepaid.

73: Terry Cobb Sr., K6ME

The Lassen ARES/VIP group still holds a weekly Thursday evening net for ARES and CDF/VIP members. Lassen Radio Club members and guest members are encouraged to join. The Net starts at 06:30 PM on 3.987 MHz HF and shortly thereafter the member roster will again be called on the 146.880 VHF repeater on Shaffer Mountain. A DMR Net on local 1 may be called afterwards?

President: Stan La Pointe, K7NUU, 530-253-3774, [email protected]
Vice President: Joe Watkins, KJ6QDU, [email protected]
Secretary/Treasurer: Terry Cobb Sr., K6ME, 530-253-1099, [email protected]

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