News & Revision History

17 Dec 2012

Released the new called UDP Display to include a LOG Display option.

27 May 30 2012

Corrected Sub receiver to display correctly in Main & Sub mode. Ver

27 April 2012

An update was made to correctly display the VHF and UHF frequencies. Ver

15 April 2012

I am currently working on a new feature that will allow a user to view the "Last Log Entry". This can be helpfull in identifying call sign errors, while they are fresh in our mind and on the screen, In really large fonts.


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Carlsbad California

How it all got started..

At the suggestion of another ham (N6NC), I created a small utility to display the radio Frequency from N1MM in a larger window, for those 'lacking in visual acuity', like me and many other OMs. [See sample below]. As the UDP output of N1MM is consistent, it will work with any supported radio.

Start by using the 'External UDP Broadcasts' settings suggested in,
section 1.3 'IsBroadcastRadio = True' , and inserting the settings into your '.INI' file. [See sample below].

The utilities menu allows for Font Size and Font Color, Typeface and the screen border color (other) to be changed to your preference. The position of the screen and size you set will be saved when you exit, so when you re-start it will be in the same position. There are also two display modes, 'Main + Sub', or 'Active only'.

It has been tested with Windows XP, Vista, and Win 7 both 32 and 64 bit versions. The dot.NET (2.x) framework used is from the old school, so it should work on most older pc's that do not have the new dot.Net 4.0 updates installed. I encourage you to review all the menu options (play with it) and you will most certainly find a font color and size that will work for you.

73 de K6KAL [Dick]

Sample N1MM.INI File update:


Screen shot by N6NC:

Frequency Display

Download here ....

New UDP Display..

For those of us that work an ocassional contest, I have made a new version of the utility called "UDPdisplay". The frequency display portion is the same as the version above, but there is a new option on the menu tab. "Log Data" will open another window to show the 'last' logged exchange. This can be useful for those of us with weak eyes, to quickly review the Sent, Received and Exchange entry. The menu on this window allows a user to modify the Font, Size and Color as was done on the main display. You may also choose Yes/No to display the contest serial number. I have made some enhancements for the more popular contests, adjusting what is displayed. The setup menu has an option to save the location, so it will be in the same place the next time it is used. With this flexibilty you can easily find a position for this window. As mentioned before, 'play with it', but wait now you can 'contest with it'.


Confirm that the N1MM.ini file includes the following entry in addition to thise listed above:

Screen shot by K6KAL:

UDP Display

Download here ....


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