MY HISTORY OF INTERNET LINKING I read an article in the QST magazine about Internet Linking by Jim , WB2REM in 1996. Right away I thought of the possibilities of this new found system for Ham Radio. I thought about the connection between Manila and California. How it would be so cool to talk to my friends back home. There are a lot of possibilities with internet linking. Communities would be connected from one another. It is like a Repeater System with a very long wire (internet) connecting the receiver to the transmitter and vice versa. Wow not so bad at all. I downloaded the Iphone program and bought a VOX kit from rainbow kits. I was a member of Lotus amateur radio network. The first connection made was between DU1DPE/ Ed and Myself. The first repeater system we tried with internet linking was at the Lotus ARN. DU1DPE made a couple of contacts with local Hams here in Southern California. When the Lotus ARN repeater was sold out. Ed and I continue to experiment on the link using simplex frequency on 2 meters. In the year 1998, with the help of KF6EZK / Erwin and N0MIS/Nomis, we setup a repeater system on the Test Pair Frequency while waiting for a coordinated frequency. At that time we have our own repeater and this gave us the chance to get more coverage and other Hams got the chance to hear about internet linking. I remember even on simplex, when local hams get the chance to use the simplex link, they can't believe that they are talking to a DX station. Back then the software we are primarily using is the Iphone program. Together with other Hams we continue to experiment with internet linking using this program. Then we created a system in what I call Software Home-brewing. The first thing I did was thought of a way on how to control the Iphone Program. Since Iphone does not have an open source and can't be altered, I browse the net for available software I can use to control it. I kind a like the process of putting the software together and in between learn new things. I guess Ham Radio will always be a part of Home Brewing whether doing a project in electronics or finding a way to make a program works the way we Hams want it. The HARP System is composed of the following Software.( This was setup in 1999. The first ever internet linking system run by the following programs.) IPHONE SYSTEM Used to connect repeater systems, simplex stations from one remote location to another. WINTONE version 2.02 Used to convert DTMF sound through the Mic/Line-in of the Sound Card into Defined Triggers. LAUNCH PAD Version 3.02 / Auto Task 2000 . Used to launch a schedule per the condition set and by means of the defined trigger on the Wintone Program. TOGGLE MOUSE Version 4.5.3 Used to record a set of mouse actions and then play them back through the command set on Wintone and Launchpad Programs. AUDIOSPHERE Version 2.20 Used to set a pre-determined setting of the audio. 4 settings can be made to accommodate the sudden changes of audio in used programs. WEATHERALOUD Version 1.00 - Used to get Weather Reports anywhere in the world. This program has a text to speech engine. So you can imagine how we do things before ILINK and Echolink was introduced. All this program work hand in hand to make the system work slightly and a little similar to what the basic features of ilink and Echolink can do. One of these days I may have to set all this up again just to have a feel of the old days before we had Echolink. Hopefully the program I mentioned above are still available on the internet. The next Filipino Ham Radio operator who came on board on the internet linking project was a good friend of mine from Guam. AH2B/Ray . We used Iphone and other Voice to IP programs like Yahoo Messenger, MSN Windows Messenger, SpeakFreely, RPTRLink Program. We continue to use Iphone with other Hams from the U.S. Canada and Europe. Back then there was a lot of Hams against Internet linking. But we kept experimenting with other hams and make it a point to be online and available on the Amateur radio Chat Conference on iphone. Then we have VE7WAZ/Rod another friend of mine from Vancouver, BC. We continue to experiment on Iphone , Yahoo messenger and the ILINK Software and EQSO. One of the problem we had back then was the internet connection speed available to us at that time. A number of experiment were made between the four of us . Version changes of ILINK by Graeme Barnes and the creation of an Interface was introduced. I was even in contact with active ilink users in putting up a fund to make custom made interfaces for those who wants to order them. This never materialize but instead Jim/WB2REM and TG/G4CDY created their own version of the board, at first homebrewed by them and sold to hams ( I was one of the lucky few who had ordered one of the homebrew interface board from Jim/WB2REM) and it did not take long before they were able to mass produced the interface boards for ham operators. The ILINK Software with the introduction of the interface boards immediately becomes a success. A lot of Hams are too eager to get on board the new mode of communication now called internet linking. With it's success comes it's problems. The ILINK software is a DOS based program and with it's basic features, Hams from all over wants changes and a lot of new features added to it. The software developer Graeme Barnes had some problems with request and had problems with some Hams who I believe had even pressured him to work on the program. You can imagine the frustration of the developer. According to Graeme , he receives hundreds of emails a day requesting this and that. Wow, indeed this is too much. Imagine if you are Graeme, doing it for free and getting bad reviews from other hams. I believe at that time, through HF, emails and plus another article by Jim/WB2REM in QST most Hams begun to realize the advantages of ILINK. In the Filipino community we begin to have active stations from Canada. Namely our good friends VE4SBS/Boboy and VE6DBD/Dom. Just not sure when they got on board but surely after Ve7WAZ/Rod. There was even a time that both Boboy and Dom kept on line and available on ilink while we are not so active. After a couple of months came Echolink. A windows based program. The program interface is great compared to ILINK. At first the two system work hand in hand. They both share the same station list and the same callsign IDs. If you are using one from the other, you can still connect to any station from the list since both system shares it. I am not sure about the timelines but I believe it did not take long before there where disagreements between the two program developers. There might be other reason but from what I know , Graeme did not like the idea of the conferencing feature of Echolink. There were a lot of emails back and forth about the pros and cons of the two system. Some support one and the other until they decided not to share the main callsign list. It did not took long before most of the Hams went to use the Echolink. A window based interface program is much preferred than a DOS based. More features are available on Echolink. All the information here is accurate to the best of my knowledge. Other Hams who was part of the early internet linking days may have a different view of what did happened. I am sure this is not the complete story about why ILINK just gave up to Echolink. Just the same we are thankful to all the Hams who made the experiments and stay the course and our thanks goes to Graeme/M0CSH and Jonathan /K1RFD for all their hard work. Now a days if you check the Echolink Online list the number is not far from about 2500 stations. When hams started internet linking only a few can be seen in the list. The most I remember is about 15 stations a day in iphone. More information will be added to this page soon. 73! de Lot K6IRF, Mabuhay!