Hello Folks -
I'm Sherman A. Harrison, K4KU, down here in Kingsport, TN. I am proud to say that I am a north-eastern Tennessean by both birth and choice! The mountains here are beautiful and the people are great. Yes, life here is very different from New York City or Los Angeles, but it suits us to a Tee! |
I have been hamming for over 36 years. With the help of my very special 'Elmers', Don KA4R and Duke K4CNK (now a Silent Key), I started out as a Novice, WN4FJO. I soon upgraded to WB4FJO. In the late seventies, I traded for a new Extra Class callsign, KV4F, then I recently swapped that for K4KU.
I enjoyed a long and happy career in the field of public education. I was a teacher, an assistant Principal, and until recently I was Principal of Brookside Elementary School. Both teaching and administration brought me a lot of satisfaction, but 38 years is a very long time and I retired in December of 1999. |
After ham radio, my second hobby is travelling each summer out to the Pacific Northwest the most beautiful section of the U.S. (next to east Tennessee, of course!). This dates back to the late 1950s when I worked for the U.S. Forest Service in the Cascade Mountains of south central Washington state (in the shadow of beautiful, but infamous, Mt. St. Helens). |
My greatest joy now, outside of my three Grand baby girls, is DX chasing on CW. I find CW to be good therapy, even though I only claim average skill at using that wonderful mode of communication.
I have a number of keys, paddles and bugs. The Jones Key shown here is my favorite!
CLICK HERE to see a picture of my collection of Morse keys and paddles. |
I am certainly not a "Big Gun" DXer, but I do pursue it with enthusiasm and dedication. Please forgive me for "bragging" a bit about the following which I am very proud to have attained:
QCWA Life Member
In years gone by I have been QSL manager for VS6GG, UA1KAC and 4Z4AG. I am currently manager for CN8YR.
CLICK HERE to view a picture of my station and a description of equipment that I have accumulated.
I hope that you enjoyed looking at my web page. Thank you for coming by!
73 - Sherman K4KU
Of course you want to e-mail K4KU:
CALLSIGN LOOKUP right here! Callsign lookups courtesy of QRZ.COM | |
Many thanks to my
visitors since 10/11/1999
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