Some pictures of the KY Mountains ARC members at the swapfest......

Wayne AF4YJ, enjoys the Swapfest with some of his wares at his table at the Marina building.


Charlie Davis, KA4BYW, at the Swapfest. As you can see from the picture, it was a beautiful day, and some of us kinda had an eye toward the water on such a rare fall day.


Morris Caudill, WB4NZS, Sonny K4XYZ, and Tim Calhoun, KU4YY, talking it over at the swapfest.

Saving the day......To The Rescue!!  When two groups dropped out of the refreshment concession, one on Friday before the hamfest, Wanda Osborne, KD4TLP, came to the rescue with some good donuts, coffee, soft drinks and hot dogs - the  staples of a hamfest...Thanks!

More Club Members pictures


November 19, 2002.  K4AVX.