Boyd Sigler, AE4LV, at his station:

    At the left is Boyd, AE4LV, at his rig in the high rise in Louisville.  As you can see from his story, Boyd has overcome a lot of injuries andd adversity to be where he is today.  The story of how he got his antenna up is something in itself.
      "Rig is an Icom730 thru an MFJ tuner to a Marconi antenna.  Also have a Radio Shack DSP that doesn't work very well.
     Luckily, I have a Built in filter in my ear.  Due to my age I filter high frequency sounds. Also have an MFJ artificial ground to Tune the counterpoise, which is an "invisible" wire strung around the baseboard-My daughter calls it the astroturf.  I also have a packet station.  Use an old J38 straight key.  Have an iambic paddle that I haven't sprung on you yet - Having trouble with my 9's and v's and BOB comes out 6o6!   One of the biggest thrills I ever had in ham radio was working  my
son off the coast of Portugal while he was on a cruise-He is now WL7IW."

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